
DWin­sur­ance is an exten­sion of DWtec®. It has now been expan­ded to include industry-spe­cific data mod­els, ini­tially for the insur­ance industry, fol­lowed by man­u­fac­tur­ing, retail and telecommunications.


DWin­sur­ance is an exten­sion of DWtec®. It has now been expan­ded to include industry-spe­cific data mod­els, ini­tially for the insur­ance industry, fol­lowed by man­u­fac­tur­ing, retail and telecommunications.

The Product

What is DWin­sur­ance?

15 years ago, syn­vert saracus developed DWtec®, a com­pre­hens­ive pro­ject pro­ced­ure model for data ware­house and busi­ness intel­li­gence pro­jects. DWtec® has now been expan­ded to include extens­ive industry-spe­cific data models.

Com­pany-wide con­trolling is the top pri­or­ity, as it enables com­pre­hens­ive mon­it­or­ing and con­trol of all activ­it­ies in order to ensure effi­cient resource alloc­a­tion. Invent­ory ana­lysis is equally import­ant, as it allows reg­u­lar checks of stock levels to optim­ize stor­age costs and avoid bot­tle­necks. Claims man­age­ment is another cru­cial case that aims to min­im­ize claims and thus reduce the fin­an­cial impact on the com­pany. Case man­age­ment ensures that cases are pro­cessed in a struc­tured man­ner, which ensures smooth pro­cessing. Ana­lyz­ing the prof­it­ab­il­ity of busi­ness units plays a key role in max­im­iz­ing prof­it­ab­il­ity and identi­fy­ing sources of loss. Fraud detec­tion is of high import­ance to identify fraud­u­lent activ­it­ies and take pre­vent­ive meas­ures. Tar­geted mar­ket­ing and cus­tomer seg­ment­a­tion allow com­pan­ies to tar­get spe­cific cus­tomer groups and develop indi­vidual strategies.

These busi­ness cases are of cru­cial import­ance for the stra­tegic dir­ec­tion and suc­cess of a com­pany. Their suc­cess­ful imple­ment­a­tion requires spe­cific tools, data ana­lysis and in-depth expert­ise. Solu­tions for the insur­ance sec­tor are now avail­able for the first time. Fur­ther data mod­els for man­u­fac­tur­ing, retail and telco will fol­low shortly.


Included com­pon­ents !

Core Data Warehouse

Data mod­els for the core data ware­house, which forms an applic­a­tion-neut­ral, integ­rat­ive and his­tor­ical layer. The spe­cial­ist data areas (part­ners, products, fin­an­cial trans­ac­tions, claims, etc.) are mapped here in the third nor­mal form.

Data Mart layer

Data mod­els for the data mart layer are based on dimen­sional mod­el­ing and con­sist of sev­eral data marts that con­tain facts, dimen­sions and hier­arch­ies. These data marts are derived from busi­ness trans­ac­tions and provide answers to spe­cific ques­tions such as call cen­ter per­form­ance or invent­ory analyses.

Data Marts interfaces

In addi­tion to sub­ject-spe­cific eval­u­ations, these data marts offer ready-made inter­faces, known as ser­vice data marts, for stand­ard applic­a­tions and external legal reporting.


DWtec® (e.g. key fig­ure mas­ter sheets, source-tar­get map­ping, report spe­cific­a­tions) are linked to the model objects (key fig­ures and dimen­sions, entit­ies and attrib­utes) and provide a large num­ber of ready-made objects. Adjust­ments can be made quickly and eas­ily in work­shops. The func­tional defin­i­tions and rules are thus eas­ily trans­ferred to the tech­nical imple­ment­a­tion level.

Value proposition

synvert saracus Promise of benefits

syn­vert saracus offers a value pro­pos­i­tion that is spe­cific­ally tailored to the require­ments of the Ger­man and Swiss insur­ance industry. Our entire pro­ject approach is geared towards cre­at­ing trans­par­ency for the cus­tomer even before the order is placed. Our end-to-end solu­tion for busi­ness intel­li­gence applic­a­tions is an integ­ral part of DWtec, our tried-and-tested pro­cess model. This enables a sig­ni­fic­ant reduc­tion in pro­ject dur­a­tion, res­ult­ing in a faster time-to-mar­ket. In addi­tion, the com­pre­hens­ive and com­plete mod­els only need to be adap­ted to the customer’s spe­cific requirements.Our offer­ing is an ideal tool for improv­ing com­mu­nic­a­tion with the spe­cial­ist depart­ments. syn­vert saracus stands for a com­pre­hens­ive solu­tion that is tailored to the needs and require­ments of the insur­ance industry and focuses on effi­ciency, trans­par­ency and tried-and-tested methods.


syn­vert saracus experts

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