DWtec® provides a complete set of processes, templates, best practices and examples for data warehouse and BI projects, covering the entire development cycle from initial concept to production.
DWtec® provides a complete set of processes, templates, best practices and examples for data warehouse and BI projects, covering the entire development cycle from initial concept to production.
Under the name DWtec®, saracus bundles all components for the approach to business intelligence projects. DWtec® has grown from decades of practical experience and provides a comprehensive basis of processes, templates, examples and best-practice instructions for project implementation, from the initial idea to development and operation.
The central component of DWtec® is a process flow chart that covers all project phases and in particular shows the interdependencies between the processes. In addition, it always takes into account the different perspectives on the processes with the views of data, technology and people. This differentiated approach enables the implementation of complex processes in BI projects, which differs considerably from the classic process models of IT projects.
In line with the multidimensionality of the BI approach, DWtec® enables a multidimensional view of the project architecture, which is also reflected in the visualization of the DWtec® process model. This multidimensional diversity of perspectives creates transparency with regard to the underlying individual processes, which in themselves are extremely numerous and complex, as each process is defined at the level of activities and events and therefore has a wide range of properties, such as result, implementation, prerequisite, dependencies and examples/templates.
To further reduce the complexity of the DWtec® application in addition to the multidimensional perspective, it has an additional layer that displays the central delivery results in a simple phase diagram and is used for quick ad hoc access to assigned documents. Thanks to this web application, every saracus consultant is always in a position to immediately contribute information to projects and draw on empirical values.With its navigation options, DWtec® can be used in any form of BI project, whether for overall projects or specific phases or problems.
Timofej Lisow ist ein erfahrener Physiker und Senior Consultant bei synvert saracus. Seine Spezialisierungen umfassen Softwareentwicklung, ‑architektur, AWS und DevOps. Mit umfangreichem Wissen und Erfahrung in diesen Bereichen, einschli...
Ulrich Hebestreit hat Mathematik studiert und beschäftigt sich seit 30 Jahren mit allen Fragen und Aufgaben zum Thema Software-Engineering. Sein besonderer Schwerpunkt ist seit über 20 Jahren die Architektur, Konzeption und Realisierun...
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