
DWtec® provides a com­plete set of pro­cesses, tem­plates, best prac­tices and examples for data ware­house and BI pro­jects, cov­er­ing the entire devel­op­ment cycle from ini­tial concept to production.


DWtec® provides a com­plete set of pro­cesses, tem­plates, best prac­tices and examples for data ware­house and BI pro­jects, cov­er­ing the entire devel­op­ment cycle from ini­tial concept to production.

The Product

What is DWtec®?

Under the name DWtec®, saracus bundles all com­pon­ents for the approach to busi­ness intel­li­gence pro­jects. DWtec® has grown from dec­ades of prac­tical exper­i­ence and provides a com­pre­hens­ive basis of pro­cesses, tem­plates, examples and best-prac­tice instruc­tions for pro­ject imple­ment­a­tion, from the ini­tial idea to devel­op­ment and operation.

The cent­ral com­pon­ent of DWtec® is a pro­cess flow chart that cov­ers all pro­ject phases and in par­tic­u­lar shows the inter­de­pend­en­cies between the pro­cesses. In addi­tion, it always takes into account the dif­fer­ent per­spect­ives on the pro­cesses with the views of data, tech­no­logy and people. This dif­fer­en­ti­ated approach enables the imple­ment­a­tion of com­plex pro­cesses in BI pro­jects, which dif­fers con­sid­er­ably from the clas­sic pro­cess mod­els of IT projects.

In line with the mul­ti­di­men­sion­al­ity of the BI approach, DWtec® enables a mul­ti­di­men­sional view of the pro­ject archi­tec­ture, which is also reflec­ted in the visu­al­iz­a­tion of the DWtec® pro­cess model. This mul­ti­di­men­sional diversity of per­spect­ives cre­ates trans­par­ency with regard to the under­ly­ing indi­vidual pro­cesses, which in them­selves are extremely numer­ous and com­plex, as each pro­cess is defined at the level of activ­it­ies and events and there­fore has a wide range of prop­er­ties, such as res­ult, imple­ment­a­tion, pre­requis­ite, depend­en­cies and examples/templates.


Complexity of the application

To fur­ther reduce the com­plex­ity of the DWtec® applic­a­tion in addi­tion to the mul­ti­di­men­sional per­spect­ive, it has an addi­tional layer that dis­plays the cent­ral deliv­ery res­ults in a simple phase dia­gram and is used for quick ad hoc access to assigned doc­u­ments. Thanks to this web applic­a­tion, every saracus con­sult­ant is always in a pos­i­tion to imme­di­ately con­trib­ute inform­a­tion to pro­jects and draw on empir­ical values.With its nav­ig­a­tion options, DWtec® can be used in any form of BI pro­ject, whether for over­all pro­jects or spe­cific phases or problems.


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