DWX2R is a power­ful and ver­sat­ile tool designed to handle com­plex XSD/XML data struc­tures. It is a gen­eric XSD/XML parser that gen­er­ates a hier­arch­ical data­base schema from XSDs and uses it to per­sist data parsed from XML messages.


DWX2R is a power­ful and ver­sat­ile tool designed to handle com­plex XSD/XML data struc­tures. It is a gen­eric XSD/XML parser that gen­er­ates a hier­arch­ical data­base schema from XSDs and uses it to per­sist data parsed from XML messages.

The Product

What is DWX2R?

Due to the grow­ing com­plex­ity of many data struc­tures on the Inter­net, ways are being sought to reduce the flood of data to what is rel­ev­ant for people and to organ­ize it in an under­stand­able way. syn­vert saracus set itself the goal of optim­iz­ing data extrac­tion from com­plex XML and XSD files and developed DWx2r.

DWx2r is a gen­eric XML parser for simple and com­plex XML data types, i.e. a soft­ware solu­tion for the auto­mated gen­er­a­tion of a rela­tional data­base schema and, accord­ing to its own mar­ket research, the only one on the mar­ket. The schema is determ­ined from XSD and XML files; sev­eral thou­sand asso­ci­ated mes­sages per second can be loaded into the schema in XML format from files or data­base CLOBs with DWx2r.


Included com­pon­ents !

Fast data acquisition

Fast data extrac­tion through tab­u­lar res­ol­u­tion of com­plex XML struc­tures while retain­ing the relations

Auto­matic loading

Auto­matic load­ing of data into the rela­tional tables

JAVA Mul­ti­th­read­ing

Effi­cient par­al­lel exe­cu­tion of tasks with imple­ment­a­tion in JAVA

Real-time pro­cessing

pro­cesses data with min­imal delay in near real time 


No depend­en­cies on spe­cific platforms 


Auto­matic cre­ation of doc­u­ment­a­tion for the gen­er­ated tables

Data type support 

sup­ports the most import­ant XML data types


Recog­nize and nor­mal­ize 0‑n relationships


syn­vert saracus experts

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