Visu­al­iz­a­tion of a metadata map with the syn­vert saracus Visual Metadata Layer (SVML)


Visu­al­iz­a­tion of a metadata map with the syn­vert saracus Visual Metadata Layer (SVML)

The Product

Effi­cient data cata­log man­age­ment with SVML

At a time when data cata­logs are sub­ject to a steady increase in volume and com­plex­ity, it is cru­cial to rethink and con­sider cer­tain aspects. The focus here is on data con­sist­ency, data qual­ity, data main­ten­ance and guidelines.

The SVML (Struc­tured Visu­al­iz­a­tion Markup Lan­guage) serves as an instru­ment to sim­plify nav­ig­a­tion in such data cata­logs. It extends the cata­log with addi­tional fea­tures, includ­ing aggreg­a­tions, to enable effi­cient check­ing and exe­cu­tion of neces­sary meas­ures in the areas men­tioned. In this way, it makes a sig­ni­fic­ant con­tri­bu­tion to man­aging com­plex­ity and enabling orderly hand­ling of the increas­ing volumes of data.


Included com­pon­ents !

The tech­no­lo­gies used make SVML a flex­ible web applic­a­tion based on Java and JavaS­cript that ana­lyzes metadata and presents the rela­tion­ships between the data from the data cata­log in an under­stand­able way.


Graph data­base as a single source of truth for the busi­ness ontology

Spring Boot

The backend and the REST­ful web ser­vices of SVML are based on the mod­u­lar depend­ency injec­tion frame­work Spring Boot.


Doc­u­ment­a­tion of the REST API for the pro­gram­matic con­nec­tion of SVML to your own applications.


The state-of-the-art JavaS­cript frame­work React serves as the basis for the front end.

User interface


The hier­arch­ical busi­ness struc­tures can be dis­played via the user inter­face using a Voro­noi map. Rela­tion­ships between busi­ness and tech­nical objects are dis­played in a graph. The Voro­noi map, tailored to the needs of the user, provides a col­our-coded visu­al­iz­a­tion of the aggreg­ated data qual­ity. This visu­al­iz­a­tion can be expan­ded to include vari­ous numer­ical func­tional and tech­nical metadata, whereby the con­fig­ur­a­tion is car­ried out via the front end. This makes it pos­sible to identify areas in the data struc­ture that meet the spe­cified cri­teria and con­di­tions. This cus­tom­iz­able rep­res­ent­a­tion allows users to gain pre­cise insights into data qual­ity and identify rel­ev­ant areas of the tax­onomy based on their indi­vidual requirements.



The graph view is a function/tool within a data cata­log or data­base admin­is­tra­tion. It provides a graph­ical rep­res­ent­a­tion that offers a visual over­view of all tables or entit­ies within the data cata­log and their con­nec­tions to each other. This rep­res­ent­a­tion usu­ally shows the rela­tion­ships between the tables in the form of nodes (tables) and edges (con­nec­tions). It helps users to more eas­ily under­stand and visu­al­ize the data struc­ture, rela­tion­ships and depend­en­cies between the tables or entit­ies. This view can be par­tic­u­larly help­ful for ana­lys­ing com­plex data struc­tures, identi­fy­ing rela­tion­ships and optim­iz­ing data models.


SVML Video demonstration

The SVML video demon­stra­tion offers a clear insight into the pos­sib­il­it­ies and func­tion­al­it­ies of the Struc­tured Visu­al­iz­a­tion Markup Lan­guage (SVML). This video clearly presents the vari­ous use cases and advant­ages of SVML. It shows how SVML improves the nav­ig­a­tion and visu­al­iz­a­tion of data cata­logs and integ­rates advanced fea­tures such as aggreg­a­tions. This demon­stra­tion illus­trates real-world applic­a­tions and shows how SVML facil­it­ates the hand­ling of com­plex data struc­tures while increas­ing efficiency.


syn­vert saracus experts

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