The latest releases of Snowflake rolled out inOctober 2023, bringing a slew of exciting updates and features designed to enhance user experience and functionality. The release has successfully concluded, and users can now explore the platform’s latest enhancements. For a detailed look at the changes from in-advance to final versions, the Release Notes Change Log provides valuable insights.
New Features
Budgets — Preview
Snowflake introduces the preview of Budgets, allowing account-level monitoring and notification of credit usage for specific Snowflake objects. Users can set a monthly spending limit on compute costs for supported objects and receive notifications when approaching or exceeding the limit. Custom budgets can be created to monitor credit usage for specific groups of objects, enhancing control and flexibility.
Dynamic Tables Enhanced
Dynamic tables, including those with downstream lag, now refresh upon creation by default. New sharing capabilities for dynamic tables facilitate seamless collaboration, making data sharing more accessible.
Logging and Tracing from Handler Code — General Availability
Previously available as a preview feature, logging and tracing from handler code is now generally available. Users can emit log and trace event data from UDF and procedure handler code, allowing for storage in an event table associated with their account.
SQL Updates
Introducing the CURRENT_ACCOUNT_NAME function under the Context Functions (Session) category. This function returns the name of the current account, serving as the preferred account identifier.
Fixed an Issue with Column Aliases for Aggregates and the GROUP BY ALL Clause
An issue with column aliases for aggregates and the GROUP BY ALL clause has been resolved. Statements with these configurations will no longer fail with „not a valid group by expression“ errors.
Data Collaboration Updates
Users with the ACCOUNTADMIN role can now delegate privileges to non-admin roles, allowing them to set up auto-fulfillment and share listings with consumers in different regions.
The ALTER TABLE command introduces enhanced functionality with support for keywords IF NOT EXISTS with ADD COLUMN and IF EXISTS with DROP COLUMN. This feature provides more flexibility when adding or dropping columns, allowing users to streamline their database management processes.
H3 Functions for GEOGRAPHY Objects — Preview
Snowflake introduces the preview of H3 functions for GEOGRAPHY objects. H3, a hierarchical geospatial index, divides the world into hexagonal cells. Snowflake provides SQL functions, enabling users to leverage H3 with GEOGRAPHY objects for enhanced geospatial capabilities.
Web Interface Updates
The release includes a preview of task graph run debugging, allowing users to review run history and identify critical failing tasks, long-running tasks, and inefficient task graphs.
Accessing Billing Usage Statements — General Availability
The general availability of using Snowsight to view and download billing usage statements is announced. Users can now access billing usage statements, starting with the July 2023 statement, with a retention period of 1 year.
Viewing Query History in Worksheets — Preview
The preview of Query History in worksheets in Snowsight is introduced, allowing users to review queries run in a Snowsight worksheet along with the query results.
Can No Longer Add or Manage Payment Details Using Classic Console
Starting with this release, customers can no longer add or manage payment details for Snowflake On Demand using the Classic Console web interface. Instead, users must use Snowsight for managing payment details.
Snowsight as the Default Interface for Snowflake Accounts in US Government Regions
Starting November 6, 2023, Snowsight becomes the default interface for users in Snowflake accounts in US government regions. Users in these accounts will no longer have the option to choose Classic Console as the default experience for their user profile. This change aims to streamline the user experience and encourage migration to Snowsight.
Extensibility Updates
Support for Python 3.11 in Snowpark, UDFs, UDTFs, and Stored Procedures — Preview
Snowflake introduces support for Python 3.11 in Snowpark Python, Python UDFs, Python UDTFs, and Python stored procedures as a preview feature to all accounts. Developers can set up their development environments for Snowpark Python and explore the capabilities of Python UDFs and stored procedures.
Reading Files with a Python Function or Procedure — General Availability
Python support for reading files with the SnowflakeFile class is now generally available. This class, part of the snowflake.snowpark.files module, enables dynamic read access for files on an internal or external stage, offering versatility for tasks such as reading unstructured data or using machine learning models in UDFs, UDTFs, or stored procedures.
Python Packages Policies — Preview
Snowflake introduces support for Python packages policies as a preview feature to all accounts. This feature empowers users to set allowlists and blocklists for third-party Python packages from Anaconda at the account level, offering fine-grained control over package availability.
Data Collaboration Updates
Company Name for Listing Analytics
In this release, users can now view the name of the company or organization that is a consumer of their listings on the Analytics tab in Provider Studio. This enhancement provides more detailed insights into listing usage.
Security Updates
Network Rules Support Azure Private Endpoints — Preview
Snowflake expands the preview of network rules, now including support for Azure private endpoints. Users can utilize network rules alongside network policies to restrict access to the Snowflake service when the request originates from an Azure private endpoint.