Meet the people of syn­vert saracus!

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kununu Top Company 2023
kununu Top Company 2024
kununu Top Company 2025

People at synvert saracus

If you are interested in data and analytics and new technologies, then let's find out together whether you and synvert saracus are a good match. From your first contact to a job offer, we need no longer than five working days.synvert saracus has once again been awarded the Top Company Seal 2025, having already received Kununu's Top Company 2023 and 2024 recognition. This award honours companies that receive outstanding reviews and feedback from their employees on kununu. With this seal, we can proudly present our high level of employee satisfaction and the outstanding corporate culture at synvert saracus.  


Insights from our employees

That’s why you will feel at home at syn­vert saracus!

We are selective in our recruitment process. We want our new employees to fit in well with their colleagues so that they quickly internalise our unique corporate culture and pass it on. This includes an intellectually stimulating working environment, a passion for what we do and mutual trust. To ensure that this magic does not evaporate, each of us needs to be appreciated by our colleagues and also by management. This appreciation is reflected in an attractive salary, freedom, especially for private matters, and shared experiences, particularly outside of projects.

Data & Ana­lyt­ics Frontrunner

We offer you the oppor­tun­ity to learn from the best data & ana­lyt­ics experts in excit­ing pro­jects at inter­na­tional com­pan­ies. syn­vert saracus as a fron­trun­ner for data & ana­lyt­ics con­sult­ing is a val­ued part­ner for many well-known com­pan­ies in Ger­many, Switzer­land and Aus­tria. We work with the latest tech­no­lo­gies and you can find your place at the very front of the ana­lyt­ics wave.

Attract­ive remu­ner­a­tion model

Since our cli­ents value our ser­vices, they are also pre­pared to pay syn­vert saracus appro­pri­ately for them. This is why we are able to pay our employ­ees more than com­pet­it­ive salar­ies com­pared to other con­sult­ing com­pan­ies. After all, those who per­form excep­tion­ally well can expect to be rewar­ded accordingly.

Attract­ive locations

syn­vert saracus, as the mar­ket leader in data and ana­lyt­ics with more than 500 employ­ees in the syn­vert group, can offer you attract­ive loc­a­tions in Zurich, Ham­burg, Mün­ster, Munich, Ber­lin, Cologne and soon also in Spain, Croa­tia and the Emirates.


With a good work-life bal­ance, work should offer the other facets of life enough space to develop. It’s all about a healthy mix. syn­vert saracus con­sult­ing is con­stantly work­ing to ful­fil these factors and to improve them on an ongo­ing basis

Tal­ent Development

Our career path offers you the oppor­tun­ity to take on respons­ib­il­ity at an early stage. Con­sult­ants can choose between a man­age­ment and an expert career path. Due to our strong growth, there are excit­ing devel­op­ment oppor­tun­it­ies for you.

Data & Ana­lyt­ics academy

We sup­port you at your devel­op­ment as a data and ana­lyt­ics fron­trun­ner with our Data & Ana­lyt­ics Academy. We offer train­ing in areas such as cloud com­put­ing, data engin­eer­ing, data mod­el­ling, data gov­ernance, data sci­ence and other top­ics. These train­ing courses are sup­ple­men­ted by fur­ther train­ing pro­grammes from external providers.

Team spirit

We expect every employee, regard­less of their pos­i­tion, to treat oth­ers with respect. The will­ing­ness of each indi­vidual to help and advise oth­ers is an import­ant part of our cor­por­ate culture.

Act­ively prac­tised feed­back culture

Your opin­ion is import­ant to us. We offer our employ­ees vari­ous feed­back chan­nels, e.g. via the mentor, fre­quent dia­logue with super­visors and pro­ject man­agers, par­ti­cip­a­tion in online sur­veys or simply tak­ing the dir­ect route to the con­tact person.

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A insight of our company…

syn­vert saracus GmbH is kununu’s Top Company 2023, 2024 and 2025

After receiv­ing kununu’s Top Company 2023 and 2024 award, syn­vert saracus has once again been awar­ded the Top Company Seal 2025. This hon­our is awar­ded to com­pan­ies that have received out­stand­ing reviews and feed­back from their employ­ees on kununu. With this seal, we can show­case the extraordin­ar­ily high sat­is­fac­tion of our employ­ees and our out­stand­ing cor­por­ate culture.

Team build­ing through reg­u­lar company events

Reg­u­lar company events provide vari­ety and fun in every­day work­ing life. From team-build­ing activ­it­ies to enter­tain­ing com­pet­i­tions, there is some­thing for every­one. We believe that a strong team also grows out­side the office.

Bal­anced nutri­tion with our muesli bar in our kitchen

Our muesli bar in our com­pan­ies kit­chen is a pop­u­lar meet­ing place for break­fast lov­ers. Start your day with a wide selec­tion of fresh, healthy and deli­cious muesli vari­et­ies and enjoy the energy you need for a pro­duct­ive start to the day. Get the energy you need!

Our Fri­day break­fast as the per­fect end to a busy week

We sup­port the exchange and coöper­a­tion among our employ­ees through a joint break­fast every Fri­day. This gives our employ­ees the oppor­tun­ity to talk freely, exchange ideas and develop a strong team spirit dur­ing a fresh and healthy breakfast.

Excit­ing break activ­it­ies with table foot­ball and darts

Our offices are equipped with amen­it­ies that go bey­ond the ordin­ary. Whether you want to spend your lunch break play­ing table foot­ball with col­leagues or show off your skills at darts, our leis­ure areas provide a relaxed atmo­sphere where cre­ativ­ity and team spirit thrive. This encour­ages togeth­er­ness as well as com­mu­nic­a­tion among our employees.

The sport­ing activ­it­ies with the syn­vert saracus team

We believe that sport­ing activ­it­ies not only improve phys­ical health, but also strengthen the sense of com­munity within our company. For this reason, syn­vert saracus reg­u­larly offers events with sport­ing activities.

The canteen as a social meet­ing place and envir­on­mental awareness

Our employ­ees appre­ci­ate the bene­fits of our canteen in the imme­di­ate vicin­ity of their work­place. In addi­tion to gast­ro­nomic vari­ety, we attach great import­ance to healthy eat­ing and sus­tain­ab­il­ity. Here, employ­ees not only find food, but also a place for social inter­ac­tion and envir­on­mental awareness.

Weekly know­ledge exchange through internal workshops

Our in-house work­shops provide a unique oppor­tun­ity for our con­sult­ants to share their in-depth know­ledge and expert­ise. These inter­act­ive ses­sions encour­age know­ledge shar­ing, help with prob­lem solv­ing and allow our employ­ees to learn from the best in the industry.

Become a part of the syn­vert-saracus team!
