Ana­lyt­ical Data Plat­forms – Data Sci­ence at Scale

Innov­at­ive com­pan­ies strive for an AI fact­ory to min­im­ize the cycle time and cost of ana­lyt­ical mod­els from ideation to pro­duc­tion deploy­ment. At the heart of these AI pro­duc­tion lines is an Ana­lyt­ical Data Plat­form that provides the essen­tial pro­cesses, envir­on­ments and tools. 


Innov­at­ive com­pan­ies strive for an AI fact­ory to min­im­ize the cycle time and cost of ana­lyt­ical mod­els from ideation to pro­duc­tion deploy­ment. At the heart of these AI pro­duc­tion lines is an Ana­lyt­ical Data Plat­form that provides the essen­tial pro­cesses, envir­on­ments and tools. 


One step ahead of the com­pet­i­tion

Achiev­ing com­pet­it­ive advant­ages through the use of advanced ana­lyt­ics requires mature pro­cesses for the auto­mated iden­ti­fic­a­tion, devel­op­ment, deploy­ment, and mon­it­or­ing and main­ten­ance of advanced ana­lyt­ics mod­els. This will only suc­ceed through stand­ard­iz­a­tion via use case blue­prints, data and model gov­ernance (includ­ing data pri­vacy), and effi­cient pro­cesses. The next key build­ing block is the stand­ard­ized imple­ment­a­tion of soph­ist­ic­ated data integ­ra­tion pro­cesses through data pipelines. It is import­ant to keep in mind that the require­ments for model devel­op­ment and deploy­ment are com­pletely dif­fer­ent. To map all these require­ments, an ana­lyt­ical plat­form with extens­ive func­tion­al­ity is needed, which requires end-to-end integ­ra­tion into the sys­tem land­scape of the respect­ive customer. 


Big tasks - cent­ral platform

Ana­lyt­ical Data Plat­forms as cent­ral ser­vices offer a num­ber of advantages 

Deploy­ing an auto­mated data sci­ence work­place to accel­er­ate model development

Data inges­tion through metadata driven inges­tion and integ­ra­tion with a data cata­log to provide data pipelin­ing as a service

Data and data man­age­ment are avail­able cent­rally in one place: sig­ni­fic­antly shorter setup time for new pro­jects, easier man­age­ment of access per­mis­sions, fire­wall per­mis­sions are already set up, etc.

Sim­pli­fied machine learn­ing oper­a­tions using orches­tra­tion, AI model and feed­back loop services.

Pro­vi­sion of shared ser­vices for authen­tic­a­tion, con­tinu­ous deliv­ery, con­tinu­ous integ­ra­tion, log­ging & mon­it­or­ing, data & model management

Log man­age­ment and noti­fic­a­tions to log all data accesses and make them avail­able for audit­ing purposes

Integ­rated CI/CD pipelines for reli­able, fast and repro­du­cible deploy­ment of machine learn­ing mod­els incl. integ­ra­tion into oper­a­tional systems

Ensur­ing data pri­vacy through strict sep­ar­a­tion of machine learn­ing devel­op­ment and machine learn­ing operations


Our main advant­ages


At syn­vert saracus, we have a wide range of exper­i­ence in design­ing, set­ting up and oper­at­ing data ana­lyt­ics plat­forms. Regard­less of whether you prefer an on-premise, or cloud solu­tion, or you want to assemble your plat­form from vari­ous com­pon­ents. We have the rel­ev­ant experts, best prac­tices and the neces­sary exper­i­ence to deliver. 

Cli­ent First Approach

As a vendor-inde­pend­ent company, we advise you com­pre­hens­ively and inde­pend­ently of soft­ware man­u­fac­turer interests, solely geared to your goals and the con­crete needs of your company. Through stra­tegic part­ner­ships with lead­ing cloud plat­forms and tool vendors, we are able to offer you a wide rep­er­toire of possibilities.

Cost optim­iz­a­tion

Espe­cially because cloud-based solu­tions scale very well, costs need to be kept under con­trol. syn­vert saracus has the neces­sary exper­i­ence to select a tech­no­logy and ser­vice stack (e.g. com­ple­ment­ing with open­source com­pon­ents) to bal­ance per­form­ance require­ments and budget constraints.


When plan­ning and imple­ment­ing an Ana­lyt­ical Plat­form, syn­vert saracus is very metic­u­lous about the auto­ma­tion and reusab­il­ity of all sys­tem components.

Data Pri­vacy

The ana­lysis of data opens a large win­dow for optim­iz­ing exist­ing busi­ness pro­cesses, sav­ing costs or improv­ing the cus­tomer jour­ney. But to ensure that this win­dow does not close again imme­di­ately, syn­vert saracus takes the topic of data pri­vacy into account from the start of the pro­ject dur­ing all phases and in every decision. 


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