Take your applic­a­tions to the cloud

Bene­fit from sev­eral years of exper­i­ence in cloud migra­tions and cloud applic­a­tion devel­op­ment on the AWS plat­form. As a trus­ted AWS part­ner, your cloud read­i­ness is our main goal. 


Bene­fit from sev­eral years of exper­i­ence in cloud migra­tions and cloud applic­a­tion devel­op­ment on the AWS plat­form. As a trus­ted AWS part­ner, your cloud read­i­ness is our main goal. 


Build­ing solu­tions based on your needs

With a vari­ety of options in cloud-nat­ive man­aged ser­vices and third-party soft­ware solu­tions, build­ing your own cloud land­scape can be a dif­fi­cult and error-prone pro­cess. syn­vert saracus guides you through this myriad of options to an AWS cloud stack that meets your busi­ness needs and drives your digital innovation. 


saracus cloud migra­tion framework

Sup­port for your Cloud Journey 

Pre­pare your developers and cloud archi­tects with work­shops and train­ings tailored spe­cific­ally to you and your project

Eval­u­ate your require­ments hol­ist­ic­ally and dir­ectly involve all stake­hold­ers and rel­ev­ant players

Test work­loads and new tech­no­lo­gies to find the best solu­tion for your projects

Migrate one batch of data at a time, focus­ing on data secur­ity, data avail­ab­il­ity, and access con­trols while effect­ively man­aging costs

Design a migra­tion strategy for your applic­a­tions and execute these migra­tions one applic­a­tion at a time

Con­tinu­ous life­cycle man­age­ment and fur­ther devel­op­ment of the migrated structures


Our main advant­ages

Cloud Enable­ment

With syn­vert saracus, “enable your busi­ness for the cloud” means that your employ­ees can con­cep­tu­al­ize, develop and oper­ate your cloud land­scape. We accom­pany you from the design of the ini­tial archi­tec­ture to the oper­a­tion of the pro­duc­tion system. 


As part of the AWS Well-Archi­tec­ted Part­ner Pro­gram, we ensure that your cloud solu­tions meet mod­ern design stand­ards and best prac­tices across all Pil­lars of the Well-Archi­tec­ted framework. 

Data secur­ity

Years of pro­ject exper­i­ence with sens­it­ive cus­tomer data and reg­u­lat­ory require­ments ensure that your data is handled in accord­ance with the rel­ev­ant legal and cor­por­ate require­ments at every stage of the project. 


Our Tools

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