Data Sci­ence and Machine Learn­ing

Year after year, every com­pany gen­er­ates vast amounts of data in a wide vari­ety of activ­it­ies. Sys­tem­at­ic­ally unlock­ing and lever­aging this treas­ure trove of data is both a chal­lenge and a great oppor­tun­ity. Data Sci­ence pro­jects and the devel­op­ment of Machine Learn­ing and AI mod­els help your com­pany gain new insights and busi­ness opportunities 


Year after year, every com­pany gen­er­ates vast amounts of data in a wide vari­ety of activ­it­ies. Sys­tem­at­ic­ally unlock­ing and lever­aging this treas­ure trove of data is both a chal­lenge and a great oppor­tun­ity. Data Sci­ence pro­jects and the devel­op­ment of Machine Learn­ing and AI mod­els help your com­pany gain new insights and busi­ness opportunities 


AI, Data Sci­ence and Big Data – buzzwords or tan­gible added value?

The buzzwords AI, data sci­ence and advanced ana­lyt­ics have enjoyed great pop­ular­ity in the busi­ness world for sev­eral years. How­ever, the chal­lenges and dif­fi­culties become appar­ent in every­day work when real exist­ing data is used to solve real exist­ing require­ments and use cases of dif­fer­ent depart­ments. Devel­op­ing good machine learn­ing and AI mod­els is a chal­lenge that requires exper­i­ence, know­ledge and tech­nical know-how. 


Data Sci­ence in every­day business

Data Sci­ence and the devel­op­ment of Machine Learn­ing mod­els can sim­plify and auto­mate a wide range of tasks in every­day busi­ness. Some examples from past projects: 

Time series ana­lyses – work­load pre­dic­tion and thus more pre­cise use of resources, churn pre­dic­tion, early detec­tion of non-obvi­ous trends

Text ana­lysis and NLP – clas­si­fic­a­tion and rout­ing of incom­ing doc­u­ments, determ­in­a­tion of pri­or­it­ized pro­cessing, com­plaint fore­cast­ing, social media monitoring

Inform­a­tion extrac­tion from doc­u­ments – opens the way to fully auto­mated trans­ac­tion processing

Anom­aly detec­tion – pre­vent­ive main­ten­ance of machines, fraud detection.

Image ana­lysis – auto­matic defect detec­tion, object track­ing, OCR/text extraction

Clas­si­fic­a­tion algorithms – Recom­mend­a­tion systems/Next Best Offer, risk assess­ment, mar­ket analysis.


Our main advant­ages

At syn­vert saracus, we have real­ized a wide range of Data Sci­ence pro­jects in a vari­ety of indus­tries. Our pro­cess mod­els, best prac­tices and the soft­ware mod­ules we use are there­fore tried and tested. We can provide sup­port in the imple­ment­a­tion of com­plex data ana­lyses, the devel­op­ment of fore­cast­ing or clas­si­fic­a­tion algorithms, com­plex AI mod­els and many other topics. 

Identi­fy­ing prom­ising use cases.

The suc­cess of a data sci­ence pro­ject or the use­ful­ness of a machine learn­ing model depends on sev­eral factors. Rel­ev­ant factors include the quant­ity and qual­ity of avail­able train­ing data, the required com­plex­ity of the model, busi­ness require­ments and, last but not least, achiev­able sav­ings and effi­ciency gains. We sup­port you in identi­fy­ing the most prom­ising use cases and in con­cretely plan­ning the implementation.

Data pre­par­a­tion and fea­ture engin­eer­ing.

One of the key com­pon­ents of any suc­cess­ful model is the care­ful com­pil­a­tion and pre­par­a­tion of the train­ing or input data. Our Data Engin­eers and Data Sci­ent­ists can either per­form this data pre­par­a­tion for you largely on their own or provide your team with advice and support. 

Model devel­op­ment

Devel­op­ing a power­ful machine learn­ing model is a com­bin­a­tion of sci­ence, exper­i­ence and intu­ition (and care­fully pre­pared data). This is where you can bene­fit from our diverse exper­i­ence. We have already imple­men­ted many use cases in a sim­ilar fash­ion and can there­fore select and imple­ment the most prom­ising algorithms and models.


A Data Sci­ence pro­ject has only reached its goal when the developed sys­tem is used pro­duct­ively and can thus prove its value. We can also sup­port you in this final step with our exper­i­ence from a wide range of pro­jects, from sys­tem archi­tec­ture to imple­ment­a­tion and fur­ther development.


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