.NET App mod­ern­iz­a­tion

Mod­ern .NET applic­a­tions require high scalab­il­ity and agil­ity to meet per­man­ently grow­ing require­ments. The focus is on the cost and speed with which this is achieved. Azure Cloud allows you to pro­vi­sion resources for .NET apps quickly, cost-effi­ciently and almost unlim­itedly, thus gain­ing sig­ni­fic­ant advant­ages for your app. 


Mod­ern .NET applic­a­tions require high scalab­il­ity and agil­ity to meet per­man­ently grow­ing require­ments. The focus is on the cost and speed with which this is achieved. Azure Cloud allows you to pro­vi­sion resources for .NET apps quickly, cost-effi­ciently and almost unlim­itedly, thus gain­ing sig­ni­fic­ant advant­ages for your app. 


Migra­tion of   on-premises .NET apps to Azure Cloud

An optimal migra­tion approach into Azure Cloud is determ­ined by numer­ous factors. An extens­ive ana­lysis of the exist­ing .NET applic­a­tion is required to identify essen­tial aspects and work out the best pos­sible cloud archi­tec­ture. The entire migra­tion spans sev­eral phases: Invent­ory, Concept Devel­op­ment, Proof-of-Concept and Implementation. 


Azure Cloud Plattform

Com­plete solu­tion from a single source 

Numer­ous com­pute ser­vices from Azure Vir­tual Machines for lift-and-shift migra­tion to Azure Kuber­netes ser­vice for con­tain­er­ized applic­a­tions and multi-cloud capability

Unlim­ited cloud-nat­ive encryp­ted data stor­age for applic­a­tion users

User iden­tity man­age­ment through Azure Act­ive Dir­ect­ory and role-based access con­trol on all resources

Exist­ing cost and per­form­ance mon­it­or­ing tools

Nat­ive integ­ra­tion with other cloud ser­vices for new use cases and fur­ther development

Auto­mated Deploy­ment of Ser­vices in Azure Cloud with Infra­struc­ture-as-Code (Ter­ra­form)


Our main advant­ages

syn­vert saracus expert­ise is at your side through­out the mod­ern­iz­a­tion of your .NET applic­a­tion, from the con­cep­tion phase to the pro­duct­ive start-up of the final solution. 


Migrat­ing your .NET applic­a­tion to the Azure Cloud can be your very first expos­ure to Azure tech­no­logy. As a Microsoft part­ner, we help you intro­duce Azure to your company. 


As an Azure Gold Part­ner, you can rely on our expert­ise in devel­op­ing the appro­pri­ate cloud archi­tec­ture for .NET modernization. 


The use of Azure Ser­vices in the con­text of App Migra­tion should be pro­tec­ted and reg­u­lated by policies. Through our exper­i­ence, we can com­pet­ently sup­port you in the selec­tion and defin­i­tion of policies. 

Ter­ra­form templates

Deploy­ing Azure ser­vices with Infra­struc­ture-as-Code auto­ma­tion, espe­cially with Ter­ra­form, is one of the best prac­tices in the cloud world. Through our pro­ject exper­i­ence, we have accu­mu­lated a num­ber of Ter­ra­form tem­plates that enable us to build cloud infra­struc­tures in new pro­jects quickly and efficiently. 


.NET mod­ern­iz­a­tion often means intro­duc­tion of new tech­no­lo­gies in a company. To enable know­ledge build­ing for your employ­ees, syn­vert saracus can pre­pare and con­duct train­ing ses­sions accord­ing to your wishes.


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