Take respons­ib­il­ity for your data

Big data comes with big respons­ib­il­it­ies. We sup­port you in meet­ing these respons­ib­il­it­ies. Use our proven saracus Data Gov­ernance Frame­work (sDGV) to develop an indi­vidual data gov­ernance pro­gram. Bene­fit from increas­ing data qual­ity and clear data respons­ib­il­ity struc­tures. saracus sup­ports you every step of the way.


Big data comes with big respons­ib­il­it­ies. We sup­port you in meet­ing these respons­ib­il­it­ies. Use our proven saracus Data Gov­ernance Frame­work (sDGV) to develop an indi­vidual data gov­ernance pro­gram. Bene­fit from increas­ing data qual­ity and clear data respons­ib­il­ity struc­tures. saracus sup­ports you every step of the way.


saracus Data Gov­ernance Framework

Every com­pany has unique require­ments for a data gov­ernance pro­gram. Depend­ing on the scope, start­ing point of the pro­ject, and your com­pany struc­ture, many aspects of a data gov­ernance pro­gram need to be indi­vidu­al­ized. There­fore, make use of our proven saracus Data Gov­ernance Frame­work to quickly develop a cus­tom­ized Data Gov­ernance solu­tion for your organization. 


sDGV components

The sDGV includes all required activ­it­ies in a data gov­ernance program.

Strategy plan­ning includ­ing an assess­ment of your data gov­ernance matur­ity and cap­ab­il­it­ies as well as best prac­tices for stake­holder management

Busi­ness align­ment by align­ing the data gov­ernance pro­gram accord­ing to your busi­ness objectives

Gen­eral role concept includ­ing sample roles and tar­get oper­at­ing model

Policies, stand­ards and a vari­ety of exem­plary work­flows for dif­fer­ent use cases (Data Gov­ernance Policies, Crit­ical Data Ele­ments, Data Qual­ity, Mas­ter Data Man­age­ment, etc.)

Plans for change man­age­ment, com­mu­nic­a­tion and train­ing with and of employees

Con­cepts for integ­rat­ing data gov­ernance tools to meas­ure activ­it­ies and successes


Our main advant­ages


At the begin­ning of every data gov­ernance pro­gram stands a strategy. We help you identify prob­lems in your data man­age­ment and develop a strategy for the future with you. In this way, we estab­lish stand­ards for hand­ling data in your com­pany and con­vey the value of high data qual­ity to your employ­ees early on.


Ideally, each of your employ­ees knows what his or her role is in the life­cycle of a data ele­ment and the duties asso­ci­ated with it. With a data gov­ernance pro­gram, you estab­lish organ­iz­a­tional struc­tures that assign roles and respons­ib­il­it­ies in the data life­cycle, thus guar­an­tee­ing that the goals of the data gov­ernance pro­gram are achieved.

Policies and Processes

Ensure that all your data is handled accord­ing to its import­ance to the busi­ness and has the required data qual­ity by cre­at­ing and using policies and pro­cesses for the crit­ic­al­ity and appro­pri­ate life­cycle phase of your data.

Data Gov­ernance Tools

The suc­cess of your data gov­ernance pro­gram can be meas­ured dir­ectly by the qual­ity of your data and the out­come of pro­cesses. There­fore, you should sup­port your data gov­ernance pro­gram with spe­cial­ized tools such as data cata­logs, data qual­ity mon­it­or­ing applic­a­tions, work­flow tools, or ded­ic­ated data gov­ernance platforms. 


Intro­du­cing new tech­no­lo­gies and pro­cesses is often a chal­lenge for com­pan­ies and their employ­ees. To ensure a smooth trans­ition, it is neces­sary to imple­ment change man­age­ment meas­ures through­out the pro­ject and bey­ond. saracus sup­ports you dur­ing the imple­ment­a­tion of your data gov­ernance pro­gram with work­shops, train­ing, com­mu­nic­a­tion plans and more.


Our Tools

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