
syn­vert saracus accom­pan­ies you on your Data & Ana­lyt­ics Journey

The con­sult­ing spec­trum ranges from a vari­ety of BI use cases to com­plex data man­age­ment in accord­ance with BCBS 239 and DSGVO and the imple­ment­a­tion of data gov­ernance to the devel­op­ment of pub­lic or private cloud data platforms.


Our main advant­ages

Sales Man­age­ment

To sup­port sales man­age­ment, syn­vert saracus has been involved in vari­ous pro­jects to build ana­lyt­ical plat­forms. syn­vert saracus has pre­pared the fin­an­cial ser­vice pro­viders’ data in cubes and data marts and cre­ated both stand­ard reports using mod­ern BI tools such as Power BI, MicroStrategy and oth­ers, and made them avail­able for self-ser­vice report­ing purposes.

Cloud plat­forms

syn­vert saracus mas­ters all facets of devel­op­ing and oper­at­ing power­ful data plat­forms for ana­lyt­ical pur­poses. Espe­cially in the fin­an­cial ser­vices sec­tor, there is a spe­cial pres­sure to design these plat­forms securely. In vari­ous pro­jects, syn­vert saracus has designed and imple­men­ted both pub­lic and private cloud plat­forms in accord­ance with the spe­cial com­pli­ance requirements.

Data man­age­ment accord­ing to BCBS 239

syn­vert saracus has designed and imple­men­ted the entire data man­age­ment for lead­ing fin­an­cial insti­tu­tions. In doing so, require­ments accord­ing to BCBS 239, MaR­isk or DSGVO were taken into account and a har­mon­ized data­base was cre­ated to ful­fill BaFin report­ing require­ments and for fur­ther pro­cessing in oper­at­ive and dis­pos­it­ive bank systems.

Our cus­tom­ers

Our cus­tom­ers in

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