Enabling data-based intelligence
for a sustainable future

Why saracus subheader

syn­vert saracus con­sult­ing stands for sus­tain­able data & ana­lyt­ics solu­tions. With our 30 years of exper­i­ence we guide you through the tech­no­logy jungle, past organ­iz­a­tional obstacles, man­age­ment and user expect­a­tions, legal require­ments, data qual­ity issues and budget lim­its to the data products of your choice.


syn­vert saracus con­sult­ing stands for sus­tain­able data & ana­lyt­ics solu­tions. With our 30 years of exper­i­ence we guide you through the tech­no­logy jungle, past organ­iz­a­tional obstacles, man­age­ment and user expect­a­tions, legal require­ments, data qual­ity issues and budget lim­its to the data products of your choice.

Facts & Numbers

about syn­vert saracus

Data & Ana­lyt­ics is our pas­sion: We mas­ter the entire value chain to develop and oper­ate sus­tain­able data plat­forms for our cus­tom­ers. These plat­forms are the key to fast and tailored deliv­ery of data products, which have become an import­ant com­pet­it­ive advant­age for many companies.

600 +
Consultants in
Cloud, AI & Data

1000 +
Successfully completed

250 +
in Europe

10 +
years average
duration of
customer relations

30 +
Years of

Our main advant­ages

Time to Market

We have mastered the DNA of data & ana­lyt­ics pro­jects like no other company, because we have suc­cess­fully imple­men­ted hun­dreds of data & ana­lyt­ics pro­jects since 1991. With our accel­er­at­ors and pro­cess mod­els, we can turn your pro­ject plans into real­ity on the dir­ect path without lead times.

Ability to Execute

But we don’t just have the Data & Ana­lyt­ics DNA, with over 250 of our own and the 500 con­sult­ants in the saracus group, we also have the Abil­ity to Execute required for your large scale projects.

Client First Approach

You as our cus­tomer and we as your ser­vice pro­vider have no diver­ging interests. We pay strict atten­tion to our vendor inde­pend­ence so that we only recom­mend the solu­tions and tech­no­lo­gies that you really need.


We are big enough to handle large and time-crit­ical pro­jects in time, budget and qual­ity, but still too small to dis­ap­point our customers.


We make no com­prom­ises when select­ing our employ­ees, because we would rather forego a pro­ject than staff it with unsuit­able con­sult­ants. Our first pri­or­ity is the excel­lent ana­lyt­ical skills of our employ­ees and their pas­sion for the topic of data analytics.


Excel­lent com­pet­en­cies are neces­sary, but not suf­fi­cient. Only the abil­ity to con­trib­ute to the team, respect for oth­ers, good pro­ject organ­iz­a­tion, trans­par­ency and a cul­ture of feed­back trans­form com­pet­en­cies into high-qual­ity data products. 

Know-how transfer

We always meet our cus­tom­ers and their employ­ees on an equal foot­ing in order to guar­an­tee a smooth course of the pro­ject, to train your employ­ees in new meth­od­o­lo­gies and tech­no­lo­gies and to jointly ensure the suc­cess of the project.


our part­ner­ships

syn­vert saracus main­tains stra­tegic part­ner­ships with lead­ing cloud plat­forms and soft­ware vendors to provide you with the best pos­sible sup­port in product selec­tion so that we are always up to date in design and implementation.


Expert con­sult­ing for your success

get in touch with us
