Data and Ana­lyt­ics with SAP

SAP is an estab­lished eco­sys­tem in com­pan­ies. With the intro­duc­tion of S4/HANA, there are many options for com­pan­ies to optim­ally align them­selves for data and ana­lyt­ics with SAP.


SAP is an estab­lished eco­sys­tem in com­pan­ies. With the intro­duc­tion of S4/HANA, there are many options for com­pan­ies to optim­ally align them­selves for data and ana­lyt­ics with SAP.


Optim­ized data and ana­lyt­ics in the con­text of SAP

SAP is the lead­ing ERP sys­tem in many com­pan­ies. With the intro­duc­tion of S4/HANA, many com­pan­ies are invest­ing heav­ily in stand­ard­iz­ing busi­ness pro­cesses and con­sol­id­at­ing into a cent­ral ERP sys­tem. With the dis­rup­tion of the tra­di­tional SAP BW land­scape and the increas­ing need for integ­rated deliv­ery of SAP ERP and other ana­lytic data sources, com­pan­ies are ask­ing them­selves how they should pos­i­tion them­selves for their future ana­lytic plat­form. Embed­ded ana­lyt­ics, BW on HANA, BW for HANA, SAP DWH Cloud, SAC or an open plat­form are options for action here.


Chal­lenges dur­ing migra­tion to SAP S4/HANA

Migra­tion to S4/HANA requires rethink­ing the exist­ing BI landscape 

Embed­ded ana­lyt­ics as a stand­ard for oper­a­tional report­ing in S4/HANA. Where is the line drawn between oper­a­tional report­ing, busi­ness intel­li­gence and ana­lyt­ics?

For ana­lyt­ical pur­poses, his­tor­ical data – partly from non-SAP sys­tems – is required. Should the new S4/HANA sys­tem be loaded with his­tor­ical data or should leg­acy data be provided exclus­ively and spe­cial­ized in an ana­lyt­ical platform?

Ana­lyt­ical ques­tions today require not only ERP data, but rather integ­rated data from ERP, CRM, ser­vice applic­a­tions, external data, IoT data. Should this multi-layered data be provided most effi­ciently in SAP BW, SAP HANA, SAP DWH Cloud or in an open Data & Ana­lyt­ics platform?


Our main advant­ages

We have been imple­ment­ing BI solu­tions in the con­text of SAP for more than 25 years. We know SAP as a source sys­tem. Due to the new devel­op­ments of S4/HANA, new prom­ising pos­sib­il­it­ies arise for the imple­ment­a­tion of ana­lyt­ical func­tion­al­it­ies. Our vendor neut­ral­ity helps you find the right tools for your data and ana­lyt­ics. We accom­pany you on the way to a mod­ern and power­ful ana­lyt­ics plat­form and enrich your S4/HANA pro­ject with our ana­lyt­ics expertise.

BI Strategy

Cre­ation of a data & BI strategy with vul­ner­ab­il­ity ana­lysis, improve­ment poten­tials, func­tional use cases, archi­tec­ture, imple­ment­a­tion pri­or­it­ies, roadmap, cost estim­ate for the defin­i­tion of the future data and ana­lyt­ics plat­form as part of a migra­tion to SAP S4/HANA.


Vendor-neut­ral archi­tec­ture defin­i­tion and tool selec­tion with pre­defined eval­u­ation cri­teria as well as proof of concept test­ing for an optimal ana­lyt­ics plat­form with SAP and non-SAP tech­no­lo­gies options


Build­ing an integ­ra­tion plat­form for inges­tion from SAP S4/HANA and also write-back integ­ra­tion of ana­lyt­ical data into S4/HANA. Data is seam­lessly exchanged between SAP sys­tems and/or non-SAP systems.


Imple­ment­a­tion of hol­istic data & ana­lyt­ics solu­tions with SAP as the data source, SAP as the ana­lyt­ics plat­form, or SAP inter­act­ing with open plat­forms. Data from SAP, other busi­ness applic­a­tions or external data is com­bined and made avail­able to ana­lysts in an integ­rated ana­lyt­ical platform.


Cre­ation of an act­ive BI organ­iz­a­tion in the area of con­flict between self-ser­vice and gov­ernance with organ­iz­a­tion, cul­ture and train­ing. Empower­ment of SAP BW-focused BI teams towards a new under­stand­ing for data and analytics. 

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