A lean path to the future

Lever­age our expert­ise to move your solu­tions to a new plat­form via a lift and shift approach or migrate them to a state-of-the-art solution.


Lever­age our expert­ise to move your solu­tions to a new plat­form via a lift and shift approach or migrate them to a state-of-the-art solution.


Improve­ment without hav­ing to redo everything

A green­field approach is not always pos­sible or sens­ible. How­ever, your solu­tion can be future-proofed accord­ing to your needs via migra­tion and replat­form­ing. We help you to find and imple­ment the right solu­tion for your company.


Find your way

We sup­port you, whatever your path looks like

Lift-and-shift as the first step into the cloud

Future-ori­ented archi­tec­ture and plat­form as a start­ing point

Cost optim­iz­a­tion through new cost models

Flex­ib­il­ity instead of vendor lock in

Per­form­ance optim­iz­a­tion through scalab­il­ity

Build­ing future-proof skills through the intro­duc­tion of mod­ern technologies


Our main advant­ages

The path to a data-driven enter­prise often involves mak­ing decisions about build­ing from scratch, migrat­ing, or replat­form­ing. With our exper­i­ence from numer­ous migra­tion and optim­iz­a­tion pro­jects, we enable you to make the right decision.

Decision mak­ing

Decid­ing between replat­form­ing and migra­tion while tak­ing a for­ward-look­ing path is a cru­cial decision. saracus helps you to find the right cri­teria for your decision and is at your side as a stra­tegic partner. 

Effi­cient implementation

Since migra­tion and replat­form­ing pro­jects are often asso­ci­ated with high cost pres­sure, par­tic­u­lar atten­tion should be paid to effi­ciency dur­ing imple­ment­a­tion. Imple­ment­ing improve­ments in a sens­ible ratio and at the same time not miss­ing the goal of a cost-effect­ive migra­tion are a cent­ral ele­ment in the implementation.

Cost optim­iz­a­tion

In addi­tion to decision-mak­ing and imple­ment­a­tion, developers with cost aware­ness are required, espe­cially for cloud migra­tions, so that sup­posed advant­ages with pay-as-you-go mod­els do not evolve into dis­ad­vant­ages and cost traps. 

Solid­ify the change

Clean change man­age­ment is neces­sary for migra­tion pro­jects as well. New tech­no­lo­gies or the change from an on premise world to the cloud can be a big chal­lenge and should there­fore not be ignored. 


Our Tools

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