Data Mod­el­ing – Paths to Struc­ture and Performance

Data only becomes inform­a­tion through pro­cessing and ana­lysis, and only then does the raw mater­ial data acquire its value. Data mod­el­ing is an essen­tial dis­cip­line for lay­ing the right found­a­tion for the future. 


Data only becomes inform­a­tion through pro­cessing and ana­lysis, and only then does the raw mater­ial data acquire its value. Data mod­el­ing is an essen­tial dis­cip­line for lay­ing the right found­a­tion for the future. 


Dif­fer­en­ti­ated answers to a wide range of questions

Today, there is no longer a uni­ver­sal approach to data mod­el­ing. The goals are too diverse for that. It should always be per­form­ant – but per­form­ant in what? In devel­op­ment, in load­ing, in query­ing? The data pool should be flex­ibly usable and flex­ibly expand­able – but what does that mean? saracus has extens­ive exper­i­ence and uses the method that leads to the goal for each task.


Data mod­el­ing methods

Mak­ing the right choice

Mul­ti­di­men­sional mod­el­ing – build­ing the right model for your BI tool

Star and Snow­Flake – optim­iz­a­tion of rela­tional data­bases for ana­lysis and reporting

Data Vault – simple stand­ard­iz­a­tion and auto­ma­tion are the focus of the core layer

Anchor mod­el­ing – com­bin­ing busi­ness ori­ent­a­tion, gen­er­ics and flex­ib­il­ity in the core layer

Key-Value Tables – Build­ing Blocks for Data Ana­lyt­ics Applications

Clas­sic 3NF mod­el­ing – for vari­ous pur­poses, cap­ture mod­ules, metadata stor­age and others.


Our main advant­ages

Over the last 30 years, saracus has sup­por­ted many cus­tom­ers in their pro­jects and applied the entire spec­trum of data mod­el­ing. We choose the right mod­el­ing method from a hol­istic point of view. It should not just fit one single tool. The entire pro­cess ran­ging from data extrac­tion to eval­u­ation and ana­lysis must be con­sidered. And the future must be looked at with a sense of perspective. 

The archi­tec­ture in view

syn­vert saracus looks at mod­el­ing tasks from the per­spect­ive of the over­all ana­lyt­ical plat­form. Cer­tainly, eval­u­ation tools also provide ways of optim­iz­a­tion – but align­ing everything accord­ing to one soft­ware would be fraught with risks. The point is to set the course in the right con­text so that it can be used just as effi­ciently with new data, new goals, new users and other tools. 

Ana­lyt­ical expert­ise through­out the whole journey

Based on the exper­i­ence gained from a mul­ti­tude of pro­jects, syn­vert saracus sup­ports pro­jects from the ana­lysis of busi­ness require­ments, through con­cep­tual design and data mod­el­ing, to the ana­lysis of the data. The goal determ­ines the path and syn­vert saracus knows the tools that are needed along the way. 

Frame­works for know­ledge transformation

syn­vert saracus has developed stand­ard­ized frame­works for the indi­vidual mod­el­ing meth­ods. This makes it pos­sible to safely trans­fer pilot exper­i­ences to the broader pic­ture. Com­bined with organ­iz­a­tional approaches such as data stew­ards or data meshes, the most uni­ver­sal pos­sible trans­form­a­tion of data into know­ledge and bene­fits will succeed.


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