Take your ana­lyt­ical skills to a new level

Data Engin­eer­ing is the hybrid of clas­sical data trans­form­a­tion pro­cesses and soft­ware engin­eer­ing to make data usable for ana­lyt­ics using state-of-the-art cloud tech­no­lo­gies. saracus con­sult­ing accom­pan­ies you on your way to imple­ment data trans­form­a­tion pro­cesses with the latest tech­no­lo­gies to cre­ate value from your data. 


Data Engin­eer­ing is the hybrid of clas­sical data trans­form­a­tion pro­cesses and soft­ware engin­eer­ing to make data usable for ana­lyt­ics using state-of-the-art cloud tech­no­lo­gies. saracus con­sult­ing accom­pan­ies you on your way to imple­ment data trans­form­a­tion pro­cesses with the latest tech­no­lo­gies to cre­ate value from your data. 


ETL and ELT with lead­ing technologies

syn­vert saracus relies on mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies to con­cep­tu­al­ize and imple­ment your data pipelines. Regard­less of the source and tar­get sys­tem, we are able to develop indi­vidual and high-per­form­ance solu­tions for you, so that you can take full advant­age of your data.


Trans­form valu­able data into use­ful data quicker

Data pre­par­a­tion takes up to 80% of the time to com­plete analysis

Indus­tri­al­ize your data con­nec­tions through gen­eric ELT pro­cesses with mod­ern tech­no­lo­gies such as Apache Spark, dbt, Fiv­etran, Dat­ab­ricks and cloud technologies.

Increase per­form­ance when pro­cessing large amounts of data through in-memory tech­no­lo­gies and use of scal­able cloud services.

Integ­rate data from your vari­ous data sources on a cent­ral ana­lyt­ics cloud plat­form to make it avail­able to your data scientists


Our main advant­ages

As a lead­ing con­sult­ing company with more than 30 years of exper­i­ence in clas­sic ETL and mod­ern ELT pro­cesses, syn­vert saracus con­sult­ing is the right part­ner for your data engin­eer­ing and data integ­ra­tion pro­jects. Through tech­no­logy part­ner­ships with the lead­ing vendors and best prac­tices from our pro­ject exper­i­ence, we accom­pany you on your way from choos­ing the right tech­no­logy to the intro­duc­tion and imple­ment­a­tion of data paths to oper­a­tion­al­iz­a­tion and use for advanced analytics. 

Archi­tec­ture & tools

Vendor-neut­ral archi­tec­ture defin­i­tion and tool selec­tion with pre­defined eval­u­ation cri­teria and proof of concept testing 

Install­a­tion & Configuration

Install­a­tion and con­fig­ur­a­tion of the tools in your chosen envir­on­ment and infrastructure 

Con­cep­tion & Implementation

Design and imple­ment­a­tion of data trans­form­a­tion pro­cesses and gen­eric ETL / ELT frame­works for use on-premises or in the cloud 


Tech­no­logy part­ner­ships with all lead­ing vendors. syn­vert saracus con­sult­ing is vendor-inde­pend­ent, work­ing with you to select and imple­ment the best tech­no­logy for your problem. 


Shorter time to mar­ket thanks to our pro­ject accel­er­at­ors for vari­ous tools. Stand­ard func­tion­al­it­ies such as log­ging and mon­it­or­ing of data paths, metadata man­age­ment or data migra­tion no longer have to be imple­men­ted at great expense. 


Many years of pro­ject exper­i­ence with rel­ev­ant tools and with the migra­tion of clas­sic ETL routes to mod­ern data engin­eer­ing frame­works for load­ing and trans­form­a­tion of large amounts of data.


Our Tools

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