The Google Cloud as the cent­ral plat­form of mod­ern IT

The three hyper­scalers AWS, Azure and Google have dom­in­ated the cloud com­put­ing space for years. Of the three hyper­scalers, Google Cloud is cur­rently exper­i­en­cing the largest growth. Bene­fit from our many years of exper­i­ence in cloud migra­tions and devel­op­ing applic­a­tions in the cloud. As a cer­ti­fied Google part­ner, we can sup­port you in every phase of your project.


The three hyper­scalers AWS, Azure and Google have dom­in­ated the cloud com­put­ing space for years. Of the three hyper­scalers, Google Cloud is cur­rently exper­i­en­cing the largest growth. Bene­fit from our many years of exper­i­ence in cloud migra­tions and devel­op­ing applic­a­tions in the cloud. As a cer­ti­fied Google part­ner, we can sup­port you in every phase of your project.


On the trail of Google – From data stor­age to BI to machine learn­ing

The Google Cloud plat­form and its ser­vices have been avail­able to its users since 2008. Since then, a lot has changed not only in the busi­ness world, but also in the Google Cloud. In the age of digital trans­form­a­tion, com­pan­ies are increas­ingly migrat­ing their infra­struc­ture and work­loads to the cloud to bene­fit from flex­ible scal­ing and time and cost sav­ings. The Google Cloud rep­res­ents a good tar­get for the migra­tion of on-premises struc­tures, because many open source products, such as Hadoop, Spark, Data­Flow, Tensor­Flow or Kuber­netes were developed or pro­moted by Google and are avail­able as a ser­vice within the Google Cloud Platform. 


Bene­fit from the
Google struc­tures

Most of the ser­vices of the Google Cloud Plat­form are based on in-house solu­tions that are developed and used in the Google eco­sys­tem and are there­fore sub­ject to high stand­ards and guidelines.

Secure-by-Design – As the back­bone of the mod­ern Inter­net, Google applies cor­res­pond­ingly high secur­ity stand­ards. This applies to both phys­ical and digital struc­tures and ranges from the stor­age of data to the defense against cyber attacks.

Open and reli­able – Google’s many dif­fer­ent open source tech­no­lo­gies and APIs allow cus­tom­ers to quickly migrate their exist­ing work­loads or develop new applic­a­tions. By using a private net­work, applic­a­tions can be deployed with low downtime.

Big Data and Ana­lyt­ics – With Big Data tech­no­lo­gies like MapRe­duce or Dremel and mod­ern frame­works like Data­Flow and BigQuery, Google Cloud helps its cus­tom­ers store data more reli­ably, pro­cess it more eas­ily and ana­lyze it faster.


Our main advant­ages


Through our years of exper­i­ence in IT, we know what it means to work with data that needs to be pro­tec­ted. Through the large num­ber of pro­jects we have com­pleted, we have been able to develop a col­lec­tion of best prac­tices and strategies for secur­ing data optim­ally and in accord­ance with all neces­sary spe­cific­a­tions and guidelines. 

Expert­ise and know-how

As a Google Cloud Part­ner, we can sup­port our cus­tom­ers in every phase of a pro­ject as a spar­ring part­ner, developer or solu­tion archi­tect. Whether Data­proc or Data­Flow, BigQuery or Snow­flake – our con­sult­ants know the strengths and weak­nesses of the ser­vices and can help you find and imple­ment the right tools. 

Cloud Gov­ernance Framework

At syn­vert saracus, we can draw from over 30 years of exper­i­ence and best prac­tices from a mul­ti­tude of pro­jects. From the accu­mu­lated know­ledge, we have developed our own cloud gov­ernance frame­work, which allows us and our cus­tom­ers to pre­cisely plan work steps in advance, to cir­cum­vent com­plic­a­tions and thus to shorten the pro­ject time. 


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