Data Cul­ture and Data Literacy – Goals of the transformation

Data cul­ture and data literacy are key con­cepts for com­pan­ies to make the trans­ition to data-driven busi­ness mod­els and take full advant­age of the digital trans­form­a­tion. If these con­cepts are put into prac­tice, they cre­ate an envir­on­ment in which data-based strategies can become reality.


Data cul­ture and data literacy are key con­cepts for com­pan­ies to make the trans­ition to data-driven busi­ness mod­els and take full advant­age of the digital trans­form­a­tion. If these con­cepts are put into prac­tice, they cre­ate an envir­on­ment in which data-based strategies can become reality.


Steps of the trans­form­a­tion

If a strategy is first to be derived from a vis­ion and this is later to become real­ity, the focus must no longer be placed solely on the tech­no­logy of the data and ana­lyt­ics sys­tems. The first step is to be able to col­lect and pro­cess data. Cre­at­ing a cul­ture (data cul­ture) that under­stands data and the profit from it as a resource and cre­at­ing skills (data literacy) to bene­fit from the data are import­ant trans­form­a­tional steps and build­ing blocks to make the digital trans­form­a­tion a success. 


Com­plet­ing the trans­form­a­tion

Make data-driven decisions, increase pro­ductiv­ity and pro­mote a cus­tomer-ori­ented focus. 

Resource – Data should be seen as a resource for gain­ing inform­a­tion, recog­niz­ing and exploit­ing com­pet­it­ive advant­ages, devel­op­ing new products and busi­ness mod­els and acquir­ing and retain­ing customers.

Cul­ture – Data cul­ture leads to the use of data at all neces­sary levels and influ­ences com­mu­nic­a­tion and col­lab­or­a­tion. Data under­lies actions and decisions at all levels of the organ­iz­a­tion and influ­ences the busi­ness model.

Abil­it­ies – it’s about col­lect­ing, man­aging, eval­u­at­ing and apply­ing data in a crit­ical way.

Skills – employ­ees should be empowered to act­ively use data. Data literacy is the found­a­tion and fun­da­mental skill of digital transformation.

Com­pet­ence – the digit­al­iz­a­tion of exist­ing pro­cesses can be intens­i­fied and new busi­ness mod­els can be created.


Our main advant­ages

syn­vert saracus has focused on data and inform­a­tion as an import­ant resource since it began more than 30 years ago. On the way to becom­ing a data-driven organ­iz­a­tion, we there­fore not only provide sup­port with tech­nical design, devel­op­ment work and oper­a­tions. Achiev­ing the use and bene­fits of data and the cre­ation of cor­res­pond­ing skills and a data cul­ture have always been import­ant to us. 

Strategy devel­op­ment

As early as the strategy devel­op­ment stage, syn­vert saracus is con­cerned with set­ting the course in the right con­text so that the use of new data and tech­no­lo­gies can later be put into prac­tice and bene­fits can be achieved. This means that the organ­iz­a­tion, cor­por­ate cul­ture, employ­ees and matur­ity levels of data literacy are also taken into account from the out­set – with the aim of mak­ing prof­it­able use of the “data treas­ure” in all its vari­ous facets.

Pro­grams of measures

With a cul­ture that sees data as a stra­tegic value, pro­cesses, struc­tures and busi­ness mod­els can be developed in a new way. Aware­ness of the rel­ev­ance of data should be estab­lished at all levels of the organ­iz­a­tion. syn­vert saracus can lay the found­a­tions for this with its own sem­inars, train­ing courses and webinars as well as long-term devel­op­ment programs.

Illus­trate use cases

Some­times it takes examples to fire the ima­gin­a­tion. syn­vert saracus has extrac­ted many sample use cases from its con­sult­ing prac­tice to visu­al­ize how the tech­no­lo­gic­ally lead­ing com­pan­ies work with their data, learn from the data and achieve bene­fits. In work­shops, we can use this to raise aware­ness of data usage and unleash cre­ativ­ity for your own company. 

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