Give your
Data con­text

To under­stand and trust data, you need vis­ib­il­ity and con­trol over the metadata – the data about the data. We help you find the right tools and pro­cesses to get the most value out of your data.


To under­stand and trust data, you need vis­ib­il­ity and con­trol over the metadata – the data about the data. We help you find the right tools and pro­cesses to get the most value out of your data.


Achieve Data Literacy

Gain action­able insights from your data with metadata. It helps you under­stand the func­tion of your data and its true poten­tial. It gives you the inform­a­tion you need to use your data where you can fully lever­age its potential.


Trust your data

Quickly find the right data to use in the right place

Data Dic­tion­ary – Know­ing where your data is at all times brings you secur­ity and agility

Data Lin­eage – Trust in data increases when you know where it came from and what it is for

Busi­ness gloss­ary – A busi­ness gloss­ary defines stand­ards and provides con­text to data

Dis­cov­ery and clas­si­fic­a­tion – Proper use of metadata helps you ana­lyze and clas­sify your data assets

AI & ML Enrich­ment – Arti­fi­cial Intel­li­gence and Machine Learn­ing auto­mat­ic­ally inter­con­nect your data and enhance it with addi­tional metadata.

Com­mu­nic­a­tion and col­lab­or­a­tion – your employ­ees work together and share know­ledge to reduce data silos


Our main advant­ages

For syn­vert saracus, metadata man­age­ment is part of a com­pre­hens­ive strategy that also includes data gov­ernance, data strategy, data qual­ity and mas­ter data man­age­ment. With us, you can cre­ate the neces­sary struc­tures and pro­cesses and use the right tools to imple­ment effect­ive data man­age­ment. We will also take com­pli­ance require­ments (DSVGO, etc.) into account.


When design­ing and imple­ment­ing a data gov­ernance pro­gram, syn­vert saracus fol­lows its own syn­vert saracus Data Gov­ernance Frame­work (sDGV). It provides a found­a­tion for gov­ernance com­pon­ents in areas such as strategy, organ­iz­a­tion, com­mu­nic­a­tion and change man­age­ment, which serve as a start­ing point and tem­plate and can be adap­ted to your needs in an agile manner. 


The syn­vert saracus Visual Metadata Layer (SVML) is a tool for the visu­al­iz­a­tion of metadata maps and serves to sim­plify the nav­ig­a­tion in a data cata­log and to extend it with addi­tional fea­tures, such as aggreg­a­tion. It works with cata­logs from dif­fer­ent vendors and cal­cu­lates aggreg­a­tions and stat­ist­ics, graph­ic­ally rep­res­ents rela­tion­ships, and helps identify con­nec­tions between records. 


The large num­ber of pro­jects car­ried out makes syn­vert saracus a lead­ing con­sult­ing com­pany for the top­ics of metadata man­age­ment and data cata­log. The con­cep­tual com­pet­ence coupled with the tech­nical expert­ise ensures your pro­jects’ success. 


Our Tools

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