Cloud secur­ity is non-nego­ti­able

The pace of a cloud jour­ney still depends on the solu­tion of cloud secur­ity chal­lenges for many com­pan­ies. These chal­lenges are often not static, but are gain­ing new momentum, for example, due to new court rul­ings (Schrems II). 


The pace of a cloud jour­ney still depends on the solu­tion of cloud secur­ity chal­lenges for many com­pan­ies. These chal­lenges are often not static, but are gain­ing new momentum, for example, due to new court rul­ings (Schrems II). 


Cloud secur­ity versus dynam­ics and flexibility

Com­pli­ance with external and internal secur­ity require­ments is a pre­requis­ite for the integ­rity and avail­ab­il­ity of cloud data and cloud work­loads. Import­ant stake­hold­ers are the CISO, data pro­tec­tion depart­ment, internal and external aud­it­ors and cloud secur­ity archi­tects. How­ever, com­pan­ies have dis­cre­tion in the spe­cific design of their secur­ity. This must be chosen wisely so that the agil­ity of the organ­iz­a­tion does not suf­fer too much. 


Cloud secur­ity has many facets

The path to a suc­cess­ful cloud foundation 

Secur­ity Organ­iz­a­tion – Dis­trib­ute and com­mu­nic­ate secur­ity roles and asso­ci­ated duties, respons­ib­il­it­ies, and pro­cesses to best pre­pare for emergencies.

Log­ging & Mon­it­or­ing – Doc­u­ment access pat­terns to get early warn­ing of secur­ity vulnerabilities.

Iden­tity & Access Man­age­ment – Man­age your users’ iden­tit­ies and per­mis­sions across the cloud platform.

Threat Detec­tion – Under­stand and identify poten­tial threats and imple­ment adequate pro­tec­tion mechanisms.

Vul­ner­ab­il­ity Man­age­ment – Vul­ner­ab­il­ity scans and pen­et­ra­tion tests help you identify, clas­sify, and remedi­ate secur­ity vulnerabilities.

Infra­struc­ture pro­tec­tion – Pro­tect your sys­tems and ser­vices from unwanted access.

Data pri­vacy & secur­ity – Clas­sify data so that only author­ized users have access and define rules for life­cycle management.

Applic­a­tion Secur­ity – Identify secur­ity vul­ner­ab­il­it­ies dur­ing new applic­a­tion devel­op­ment to detect and fix them early.

Incid­ent Response – Train your staff to handle secur­ity incid­ents and develop con­tin­gency plans to ensure smooth operations.


Our main advant­ages

We accom­pany you through the pro­cess of imple­ment­ing your cloud secur­ity solu­tion. Based on years of exper­i­ence across a wide range of pro­jects in the banking/insurance, phar­ma­ceut­ical, logist­ics, rail, energy and vari­ous other indus­tries, we have a wealth of expert­ise in the area of cloud secur­ity. Across these exper­i­ences, from small scale to large scale enter­prise scen­arios, we own pro­pri­et­ary frame­works that can dra­mat­ic­ally accel­er­ate the areas of secur­ity and identify chal­lenges early. We provide expert­ise for every level of secur­ity to make your cloud envir­on­ment secure. 


syn­vert saracus has developed a Power BI-based cloud secur­ity that derives secur­ity meas­ures from the CSA stand­ard and breaks them down to indi­vidual policies in the respect­ive cloud environment. 


syn­vert saracus has exper­i­enced and cer­ti­fied con­sult­ants for all cloud secur­ity dis­cip­lines who always keep their know­ledge up to date. 

Use Cases

syn­vert saracus has imple­men­ted dif­fer­ent solu­tions, e.g. to auto­mat­ic­ally identify data fields with the help of AI meth­ods, which have to be pseud­onnym­ized e.g. accord­ing to DSGVO. 

Auto­ma­tion & Monitoring

Each cloud pro­vider has its own cloud ser­vices to guar­an­tee and mon­itor the mul­ti­tude of dif­fer­ent secur­ity spe­cific­a­tions on the sys­tem side. syn­vert saracus can work with you to develop hol­istic secur­ity solu­tions that mon­itor AWS, Azure and GCP work­loads from one con­trol cen­ter, for example. 


syn­vert saracus mas­ters the rel­ev­ant national and inter­na­tional stand­ards such as ISO, NIST, CIS, CSA, GxP, EU GDPR, etc. for a wide range of industries. 


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