Explore new tech­no­lo­gies with Azure

The Azure Cloud is one of the three hyper­scalers. With its more than 60 regions and over 250 cloud ser­vices, Azure is at the fore­front. The suc­cess of Azure in the mar­ket is based in part on the high pro­lif­er­a­tion of Microsoft Office and Win­dows products, as well as SQL Server applic­a­tions and Act­ive Directory. 


The Azure Cloud is one of the three hyper­scalers. With its more than 60 regions and over 250 cloud ser­vices, Azure is at the fore­front. The suc­cess of Azure in the mar­ket is based in part on the high pro­lif­er­a­tion of Microsoft Office and Win­dows products, as well as SQL Server applic­a­tions and Act­ive Directory. 


Green­field or migra­tion, entry into the Azure Cloud

In the digital trans­form­a­tion, many com­pan­ies are faced with the ques­tion of how they want to pos­i­tion them­selves for the future in order to be able to expand and pro­mote their IT infra­struc­ture sus­tain­ably, scal­ably and at appro­pri­ate costs. It takes a great deal of time and effort to pro­cure, oper­ate and use your own hard­ware cost-effect­ively in the long term. This step is asso­ci­ated with high costs, which must be inves­ted solely in the hard­ware and its install­a­tion. Why don’t we pay only for what we really need at this point in time…? Fur­ther­more, we do not want to ignore the issues of gov­ernance, secur­ity, resource deploy­ment and log­ging / mon­it­or­ing. How­ever, not everything that glit­ters is gold in Azure.


One Plat­form to rule them all

Build­ing a sus­tain­able scal­able plat­form for your busi­ness activ­it­ies across oper­a­tional and dis­pos­it­ive areas 

Bespoke – Tailor your resources to your exact indi­vidual needs.

Mon­it­or­ing – We keep track of everything that hap­pens on your cloud plat­form includ­ing costs incurred, access pat­terns and security.

IaaS & PaaS – Focus on the essen­tials and leave com­plex deploy­ments to the platform.


Our main advant­ages


We look back on sev­eral years of exper­i­ence in a wide range of pro­jects and indus­tries. Across this exper­i­ence, from small scale to large scale enter­prise scen­arios, we have developed pro­pri­et­ary frame­works that can dra­mat­ic­ally accel­er­ate your pro­ject imple­ment­a­tion and identify chal­lenges early on.


syn­vert saracus is an Azure Gold Part­ner in vari­ous ser­vice seg­ments and can sup­port you with cer­ti­fied staff in your Cloud Jour­ney in Azure.

360° Con­sult­ing

We provide everything from Azure enable­ment, cloud gov­ernance, infra­struc­ture, access con­cepts, cost man­age­ment and imple­ment­a­tion from a single source with cor­res­pond­ing expert­ise in all areas.


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