
Full ser­vice for ana­lyt­ical sys­tems of retailers

We bring the field-proven approach includ­ing data mod­els, pre-built tem­plates for the dif­fer­ent ana­lyt­ical applic­a­tions such as receipt ana­lysis, sup­plier, cus­tomer ana­lysis, cus­tomer cam­paign sup­port, loy­alty sys­tems, loss pre­ven­tion, plan­ning and budget­ing, etc. 


Our main advant­ages

Retail Ana­lyt­ics Use Cases

The more than 100 real­ized use cases range from optim­iz­a­tion of the cus­tomer jour­ney, fraud detec­tion, receipt ana­lyses, store ana­lyt­ics, sup­ply chain optim­iz­a­tion, loss pre­ven­tion ana­lyses, bal­anced score­card for retail­ers, integ­ra­tion and ana­lysis of omni-chan­nels, online store ana­lyses (e.g. traffic, vis­itor and con­tent), integ­ra­tion of online inter­ac­tions with fin­an­cial data, bench­mark­ing and mar­ket­ing optim­iz­a­tion with integ­ra­tion of external pro­viders such as Nielsen. Traffic, Vis­itor and Con­tent), Integ­ra­tion of Online Inter­ac­tions with Fin­an­cial Data, Bench­mark­ing and Mar­ket­ing Optim­iz­a­tion with Integ­ra­tion of External Pro­viders like Nielsen , up to Build­ing Com­plex Advanced Ana­lyt­ics Mod­els, Use of ML and AI Tech­no­lo­gies for e.g. Reas­sorting and Invent­ory Planning. 

Con­struc­tion of the com­pany-wide multi-domain mas­ter data.

syn­vert saracus sup­por­ted the imple­ment­a­tion of a cent­ral group-wide multi-domain mas­ter data sys­tem. In addi­tion, the gov­ernance MDM organ­iz­a­tion was established.
As part of the pro­ject, a mod­ern ser­vice-ori­ented MDM plat­form was intro­duced. Part­ner and art­icle data would be cleaned, con­sol­id­ated, integ­rated and enriched from the mul­tiple com­pan­ies and mar­kets as well as from the dif­fer­ent sys­tems and stored in the form of a golden record and offered to the tar­get sys­tems in the required struc­ture through the dif­fer­ent chan­nels (API, ESB). 

Sup­ply Optim­iz­a­tion.

Design and devel­op­ment of an ana­lyt­ical model for auto­matic demand fore­cast­ing (reas­sort­ment) of DIY store products. As soon as the stock of an item falls below a cer­tain quant­ity, an order is auto­mat­ic­ally triggered at the supplier.
In addi­tion, syn­vert saracus developed the ana­lyt­ical model for optimal invent­ory plan­ning at the customer’s site. The trained model con­tinu­ously cal­cu­lates the threshold val­ues per item and trig­gers the neces­sary orders with the supplier. 

Mod­ern­iz­a­tion of Bön Ana­lysis Sys­tems.

syn­vert saracus has migrated sev­eral lead­ing European retail­ers’ receipt ana­lysis sys­tems (e.g. on-premises DB2, Oracle, Teradata) to the cloud (e.g. Snow­flake and Cloudera). The elasti­city and flex­ib­il­ity of the cloud envir­on­ments enables much more com­pre­hens­ive receipt ana­lysis than in the old on-premises sys­tems with improved performance.

Con­sol­id­a­tion of inter­na­tional SAP data in cloud DWH envir­on­ments.

In the course of stand­ard­iz­ing the data archi­tec­ture, syn­vert saracus sup­por­ted sev­eral retail­ers in con­sol­id­at­ing the data from their inter­na­tional SAP sys­tems into a cent­ral cloud DWH. Here, the syn­vert saracus retail industry model as well as the exper­i­ence in set­ting up the high-per­form­ance real-time cloud archi­tec­tures (e.g. Azure, AWS, GCP in com­bin­a­tion with Kafka and Snow­flake ) were used.

Our cus­tom­ers

Our cus­tom­ers in

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