Unlock data driven Man­age­ment with Data Storytelling and Self Ser­vice BI

We sup­port you through­out your trans­form­a­tion to data-driven busi­ness man­age­ment and the estab­lish­ment of an act­ive BI com­munity. Take advant­age of our exper­i­ence in the con­cep­tion and intro­duc­tion of effi­cient data stor­ies and agile self-ser­vice BI in your company. 


We sup­port you through­out your trans­form­a­tion to data-driven busi­ness man­age­ment and the estab­lish­ment of an act­ive BI com­munity. Take advant­age of our exper­i­ence in the con­cep­tion and intro­duc­tion of effi­cient data stor­ies and agile self-ser­vice BI in your company. 


Depart­ments should gain insights from data and derive con­crete measures

In data-driven busi­ness man­age­ment, the rapid avail­ab­il­ity of cor­rect and mean­ing­ful busi­ness fig­ures is of vital import­ance. It must be pos­sible to trans­late data into insights and con­crete action meas­ures in an agile man­ner. Data deserts, lengthy require­ments man­age­ment, depend­ence on IT spe­cial­ists or manual data pre­par­a­tion are of little help. The chal­lenge of mod­ern busi­ness intel­li­gence is to auto­mat­ic­ally pre­pare, present and dis­trib­ute data in such a way that a broad group of busi­ness users intu­it­ively gains rel­ev­ant insights. Here, appeal­ing visu­al­iz­a­tion with com­pre­hens­ible nota­tion con­cepts as well as speed and agil­ity play an essen­tial role.


Data-driven busi­ness man­age­ment through mod­ern busi­ness intelligence

Nar­rat­ive visu­al­iz­a­tions and data story telling help to meet this require­ment. Start­ing from a con­crete busi­ness ques­tion, an intu­it­ively under­stand­able data story is built up for the user group, which guides the user through the ana­lyses and find­ings. The data story focuses on answer­ing the ques­tion at hand and tries to sup­port the ana­lysis with visu­al­iz­a­tions that are as simple as pos­sible along­side unam­bigu­ous nota­tion concepts.

The ana­lysis and extrac­tion of know­ledge from the data belongs in the hands of the busi­ness spe­cial­ists. Mod­ern intu­it­ive soft­ware tools as well as the increased tech­nical know-how in the spe­cial­ist depart­ments enable self-ser­vice BI. Busi­ness spe­cial­ists can per­form new ana­lyses and cre­ate data stor­ies based on defined data marts. Fur­ther­more, the busi­ness spe­cial­ists can also enrich the exist­ing data with addi­tional data sources and gain fur­ther insights.

The inde­pend­ence of sub­ject spe­cial­ists is a com­pel­ling free­dom to ensure the agil­ity of data-driven cor­por­ate man­age­ment. At the same time, how­ever, this free­dom also har­bors the danger of isol­ated solu­tions and spe­cial­ist uncon­trolled growth. Data gov­ernance must provide a struc­ture here and ensure offi­cial data defin­i­tions and truths.


Our main advant­ages

From more than 30 years of exper­i­ence, we have built up a defined pro­ced­ure, tem­plates, check­lists and sample solu­tions. We com­bine busi­ness know­ledge and tech­nical expert­ise to sup­port you quickly and effi­ciently in ana­lysis, imple­ment­a­tion and rol­lout. Our vendor neut­ral­ity helps you find the right tools for your BI. We accom­pany you on your way to data-driven busi­ness man­age­ment with mod­ern busi­ness intelligence. 


Cre­ation of a BI strategy with weak­nesses ana­lysis, improve­ment poten­tials, busi­ness use cases, archi­tec­ture, imple­ment­a­tion pri­or­it­ies, roadmap and cost estimation.


Vendor-neut­ral archi­tec­ture defin­i­tion and tool selec­tion with pre­defined eval­u­ation cri­teria and proof of concept testing.


Can­vas sup­por­ted story design with story mock-ups, iden­ti­fic­a­tion of rel­ev­ant source data and met­ric defin­i­tions with secur­ity rules.


Imple­ment­a­tion of the over­all BI solu­tion with data con­nectiv­ity and trans­form­a­tion, data mod­el­ing, cal­cu­la­tions and visu­al­iz­a­tion on premise or in the cloud. 


Cre­ation of an act­ive BI organ­iz­a­tion in the area of con­flict between self-ser­vice and gov­ernance with organ­iz­a­tion, cul­ture and training. 

Best Prac­tice

With our BI starter pack, you can try out mod­ern BI in your com­pany and make the advant­ages vis­ible to users and man­age­ment. With a clear scope and lim­ited effort, you receive an ini­tial data story with your require­ments and your data. Give the start­ing sig­nal for your BI initiative. 


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