More con­trol over resources and data with the private cloud.

The private cloud is a cloud com­put­ing envir­on­ment that is reserved for a single organ­iz­a­tion. It is set up either on the organization’s own infra­struc­ture or in a data cen­ter man­aged by a third-party pro­vider. Unlike pub­lic clouds, which are shared by mul­tiple users and organ­iz­a­tions, private clouds are designed to provide exclus­ive access and greater con­trol over resources and data. 


The private cloud is a cloud com­put­ing envir­on­ment that is reserved for a single organ­iz­a­tion. It is set up either on the organization’s own infra­struc­ture or in a data cen­ter man­aged by a third-party pro­vider. Unlike pub­lic clouds, which are shared by mul­tiple users and organ­iz­a­tions, private clouds are designed to provide exclus­ive access and greater con­trol over resources and data. 


Con­tinu­ous devel­op­ment in the private cloud

Private cloud tech­no­logy is con­stantly evolving and it can be dif­fi­cult to keep up with the latest trends and innov­a­tions. The organ­iz­a­tion must be pre­pared to invest in train­ing and edu­ca­tion for its IT staff to ensure they have the neces­sary know-how. 


Care­ful imple­ment­a­tion of a private cloud

Care­ful plan­ning, imple­ment­a­tion and man­age­ment can over­come many of the difficulties. 

Com­plex­ity – Set­ting up and man­aging a private cloud requires a high level of tech­nical expert­ise and exper­i­ence. The integ­ra­tion and con­fig­ur­a­tion of vari­ous com­pon­ents such as vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion, net­work, stor­age and secur­ity can be complex.

Scalab­il­ity – Scal­ing a private cloud can be dif­fi­cult, espe­cially when demand for resources fluc­tu­ates greatly. The pro­vi­sion of addi­tional resources requires for­ward-look­ing capa­city plan­ning and pos­sibly the pur­chase of new hardware.

Costs – Oper­at­ing a private cloud can be expens­ive. Acquir­ing, updat­ing and main­tain­ing the infra­struc­ture requires con­sid­er­able invest­ment. There may also be ongo­ing costs for energy, cool­ing and per­son­nel for man­aging the private cloud.


Our main advant­ages

Secur­ity and compliance 

Although private clouds can poten­tially be more secure than pub­lic clouds, they still require an appro­pri­ate secur­ity strategy and meas­ures to pro­tect data. Our syn­vert saracus employ­ees can sup­port you with your secur­ity strategy and com­pli­ance regulations

Vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion, net­work, storage 

Our syn­vert saracus experts have a com­pre­hens­ive under­stand­ing of a wide range of cloud tech­no­lo­gies. This gives them the abil­ity to imple­ment effi­cient integ­ra­tion and soph­ist­ic­ated con­fig­ur­a­tion of vari­ous com­pon­ents such as vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion, net­work and storage. 

Per­form­ance optimization 

In some cases, optim­ized resource alloc­a­tion, load bal­an­cing and net­work con­fig­ur­a­tion can become rel­ev­ant to avoid bot­tle­necks and ensure applic­a­tions run smoothly. 

User accept­ance and training 

The intro­duc­tion of a private cloud requires good com­mu­nic­a­tion and user train­ing. Our syn­vert saracus experts offer train­ing courses to famil­i­ar­ize your employ­ees with the new tech­no­lo­gies so that they can take full advant­age of the private cloud. 

Auto­ma­tion and orchestration 

Auto­mat­ing pro­cesses and orches­trat­ing resources reduces manual effort and elim­in­ates poten­tial sources of error. How­ever, imple­ment­ing tools and frame­works to auto­mate pro­vi­sion­ing, scal­ing and con­fig­ur­a­tion man­age­ment can be a com­plex task. 


A private cloud should have mech­an­isms in place to min­im­ize out­ages and data loss. The imple­ment­a­tion of redund­ancy, fail­over mech­an­isms and dis­aster recov­ery solu­tions requires expert­ise in the man­age­ment of private cloud solutions. 

Con­tainer-based solution 

The basis of a mod­ern private cloud solu­tion is a plat­form for run­ning con­tain­er­ized applic­a­tions. Con­tain­er­iz­a­tion allows applic­a­tions to be scaled dynam­ic­ally as required. Com­pared to sep­ar­ate vir­tual machines, con­tain­ers require fewer resources for the same per­form­ance. In addi­tion, reli­ab­il­ity can be increased through redund­antly run­ning pro­cesses. The open source products Open­Shift and Docker Swarm are ideal for oper­at­ing the con­tainer plat­form. Both sys­tems are used by our customers.

Data Lake und Lakehouse 

In recent years, there has been a strong focus on object-based stor­age solu­tions in the pub­lic cloud sec­tor. These are also avail­able for the private cloud and can be obtained from vari­ous pro­viders such as Net­App and Dell. This makes it pos­sible to store large, unstruc­tured data volumes on premise and thus cre­ate a data lake.
The data stored in the data lake can be ana­lyzed using vari­ous tools. Data vir­tu­al­iz­a­tion soft­ware such as Trino or Dre­mio can retrieve data from the data lake as well as from any exist­ing leg­acy sys­tems and data­bases. This cre­ates an integ­rated data plat­form that can be used through­out the entire company. 

Data pipelines

The way in which data is pro­cessed depends on the tech­nical require­ments and the level of train­ing of the local team. Everything is pos­sible, from graph­ical tools with an intu­it­ive user inter­face to self-pro­grammed Spark pipelines. The decis­ive factor is that the selec­ted tools can handle the volume of data and that the data team can work efficiently. 

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