Snow­flake, the Cloud-Native
Data Plat­form

Scalab­il­ity, usab­il­ity, high avail­ab­il­ity made easy with Snowflake


Scalab­il­ity, usab­il­ity, high avail­ab­il­ity made easy with Snowflake


Data­bases take cen­ter stage

The core of every busi­ness applic­a­tion is data. Accord­ingly, data­bases have always played a cent­ral role in the archi­tec­ture of any applic­a­tion. After all, they are often decis­ive for the per­form­ance of the entire applic­a­tion. Accord­ingly, the oppor­tun­it­ies, but also the risks of a migra­tion are often the sub­ject of detailed ana­lyses for good reason, in order to guide pro­jects in the right direction. 


Why cloud nat­ive for databases?

Data­bases flex­ible, cost-effect­ive and fail-safe. 

Pay-As-You-Go – You only pay for the resources you actu­ally use.

Instant­an­eous scal­ing – Unlike com­pet­ing products such as Red­shift or Spark, Snow­flake scales within seconds.

Inde­pend­ent scal­ing of stor­age & com­pute – For a long time, espe­cially in the area of data­bases, stor­age and com­pute could only be scaled up or down sim­ul­tan­eously. With Snow­flake, you can adapt both to your needs com­pletely inde­pend­ently of each other.

SaaS Plat­form – Snow­flake frees you and your teams from the need to pro­vi­sion and man­age infrastructure.

High avail­ab­il­ity & reli­ab­il­ity – You can also use these advant­ages of the cloud for the core of your pro­ject – namely your database.

Fit-For-Future-Use – Snow­flake offers you an ever-grow­ing selec­tion of soft­ware part­ners that integ­rate seam­lessly with Snow­flake. For years to come, this growth will know no bounds.


Our main advant­ages

syn­vert saracus recog­nized Snowflake’s tech­no­lo­gical edge early on and inves­ted in the train­ing of its con­sult­ants. Over time, syn­vert saracus has there­fore been able to fol­low the fur­ther devel­op­ment of Snow­flake, identify trends early on and eval­u­ate new deploy­ment scenarios.
Due to syn­vert saracus’ pos­i­tion­ing as a cloud-inde­pend­ent con­sultancy, the con­nec­tion and integ­ra­tion of Snow­flake in dif­fer­ent envir­on­ments is reg­u­larly reques­ted; there­fore, there is extens­ive expert­ise in the integ­ra­tion with plat­forms such as AWS, Azure, Spark, Dat­ab­ricks, R or even report­ing tools such as Tableau, PowerBI and MicroStrategy, and the like. 

Long-term integ­ra­tion exper­i­ence.

Through vari­ous pro­jects since 2018 on dif­fer­ent cloud plat­forms using Snowflake.


syn­vert saracus always offers cus­tom­ers the best product.

Quick Onboard­ing

syn­vert saracus main­tains its own lib­rary for imme­di­ate onboard­ing without depend­en­cies on third-party soft­ware or third-party vendors.

Cer­ti­fied expertise

syn­vert saracus is a part­ner in the SELECT tier of Snowflake.

Cus­tomer feedback

syn­vert saracus holds catch-up meet­ings with selec­ted cus­tom­ers after pro­ject com­ple­tion. In this way, new cus­tom­ers bene­fit from long-term experience. 


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