Hol­istic cloud strategy

The tar­geted use of the cloud requires a strategy that iden­ti­fies the cent­ral guard rails for a suc­cess­ful cloud jour­ney. The strategy expands and changes depend­ing on the respect­ive cloud trans­form­a­tion phase from the pilot to the trial to the scal­ing phase.


The tar­geted use of the cloud requires a strategy that iden­ti­fies the cent­ral guard rails for a suc­cess­ful cloud jour­ney. The strategy expands and changes depend­ing on the respect­ive cloud trans­form­a­tion phase from the pilot to the trial to the scal­ing phase.


Get your busi­ness cloud ready

The selec­tion, intro­duc­tion, deploy­ment and oper­a­tion of cloud solu­tions is a com­plex pro­cess that requires the acquis­i­tion of a vari­ety of cap­ab­il­it­ies in dif­fer­ent areas. Dif­fer­ent resources such as human skills, organ­iz­a­tional aspects, tech­no­logy and cap­ital are required to develop these capabilities. 


Cloud Cap­ab­il­it­ies

Identify and develop your core cloud cap­ab­il­it­ies in key areas 

Busi­ness – Your cloud pro­jects should drive your busi­ness goals and engage C‑level stakeholders.

People & Organ­iz­a­tion – Accel­er­ate your Cloud Jour­ney by estab­lish­ing a cul­ture where con­tinu­ous change is the norm.

Gov­ernance – Min­im­ize risks that may arise from change and coördin­ate your cloud journey.

Plat­form – Mod­ern archi­tec­tural approaches guar­an­tee a scal­able cloud plat­form that seam­lessly integ­rates into your sys­tem land­scape and is ready for the future.

Secur­ity – A sound cloud secur­ity concept guar­an­tees con­fid­en­ti­al­ity and integ­rity, while min­im­iz­ing secur­ity risks.

Oper­a­tions – Ensure your cloud ser­vices are always avail­able, and meet your needs.


Our main advant­ages

syn­vert saracus has been devel­op­ing cloud strategies for a wide range of com­pan­ies since 2015. An import­ant build­ing block is our cloud jour­ney frame­work, which is both cloud agnostic and com­bines the spe­cif­ics of AWS, Azure and GCP. You will bene­fit from our extens­ive exper­i­ences that will accel­er­ate your suc­cess­ful cloud journey.

Busi­ness Alignment

syn­vert saracus iden­ti­fies the cloud use cases with the highest value pro­pos­i­tion for your business. 

Cloud Com­pet­ence Center

We con­cep­tu­al­ize your Cloud Com­pet­ence Cen­ter, which becomes the engine of your Cloud journey. 

Cloud Gov­ernance Framework

syn­vert saracus has developed a soft­ware-based solu­tion that derives and mon­it­ors the vari­ous gov­ernance facets from gen­eral stand­ards (e.g. CSA) to con­crete policies in any spe­cific cloud environment. 

Cloud Secur­ity

syn­vert saracus is pro­fi­cient in secur­ity top­ics such as IAM, Log­ging & Mon­it­or­ing, Encryp­tion, Cyber Secur­ity, Uni­ver­sal End­point Man­age­ment and last but not least Data Secur­ity & Pri­vacy Life­cycle Management. 

Cloud Migra­tion

Use proven cloud migra­tion strategies that have brought count­less of our cus­tom­ers’ applic­a­tions to the cloud. We enable your cloud jour­ney and ensure the suc­cess of your projects. 

Optim­iz­ing the Cloud Platform

As early as the strategy phase, we ensure the devel­op­ment of an optim­ized plat­form that not only has a high degree of auto­ma­tion and scales well, but also keeps costs under control. 


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