Data Ware­house – Cent­ral Build­ing Block of any Data Driven Company

Whether on-premises or in the cloud – the path to a Data Driven Company requires a mod­ern data ware­house (DWH) for most companies 


Whether on-premises or in the cloud – the path to a Data Driven Company requires a mod­ern data ware­house (DWH) for most companies 


DWH on-premises

Data as an asset: Many com­pan­ies have long since dis­covered the value of their data. Often, clas­sic eval­u­ations of company fig­ures are com­bined with increas­ingly soph­ist­ic­ated, mod­ern ana­lysis options. Des­pite new decent­ral­ized con­cepts such as data mesh, the data ware­house remains indis­pens­able for most com­pan­ies to ensure a uni­form view of data. How­ever, it is not always sens­ible or pos­sible to go to the cloud. There­fore, we sup­port you on-premises in all phases of your DWH.


DWH 2.0

Mod­ern plat­form for BI and analytics

Single Point of Truth – Con­sol­id­ated data source for all reports.

Batch and stream­ing – data timeli­ness accord­ing to your needs.

ETL and ELT – data trans­form­a­tions with mod­ern tech­niques and tools.

Self-Ser­vice BI – Empower your employ­ees to visu­al­ize their data themselves.

Auto­ma­tion – Optim­ize your devel­op­ment with CI/CD and DevOps and gen­er­ate fast res­ults through highly auto­mated processes.

Stand­ards – Meet reg­u­lat­ory require­ments from BCBS239, MaR­isk, Solvency II or sup­port account­ing accord­ing to IFRS standards.


Our main advant­ages

From more than 30 years of exper­i­ence, we have built up well-defined pro­ced­ures, tem­plates, check­lists and sample solu­tions. These have been tested in a large num­ber of pro­jects across all indus­tries. Our vendor neut­ral­ity allows us to draw on a wide range of tech­no­lo­gies, from major man­u­fac­tur­ers to open source, to find the per­fect solu­tion for you. We accom­pany you on your way to becom­ing a Data Driven Company. 

DWH 2.0

Thanks to our many years of exper­i­ence, we are experts in mod­ern­iz­ing exist­ing DWHs. Step by step, we work with you to identify the weak­nesses of pre­vi­ous imple­ment­a­tions and work together to elim­in­ate them. 


We guar­an­tee a vendor-neut­ral archi­tec­ture defin­i­tion and tool selec­tion with pre­defined eval­u­ation cri­teria as well as proof of concept testing.

Cloud ready

To ensure that your solu­tion is future-proof, we pay atten­tion to cloud read­i­ness in the archi­tec­ture and sys­tem model. This allows you to migrate your DWH to a cloud with little effort or com­bine it with cloud com­pon­ents in a hybrid model.


Our Tools

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