
From power gen­er­a­tion to the cus­tomerutil­it­ies bene­fit from syn­vert saracus

Energy com­pan­ies belong to an industry that gen­er­ates a wide and diverse range of data, which requires equally diverse approaches for ana­lyt­ics solu­tions. There are cus­tom­ers with their con­tracts and con­sump­tion points, net­works that should be stable and need to be optim­ized again and again, and com­plex pro­cesses or plants for pro­cure­ment or gen­er­a­tion that require intens­ive mon­it­or­ing. syn­vert saracus can offer com­pre­hens­ive sup­port with its know-how.


Our main advant­ages

Strategies for BI Sys­tems and Ana­lyt­ical Plat­forms.

Whether sales, billing, dis­tri­bu­tion or gen­er­a­tion – syn­vert saracus under­stands all facets to develop and oper­ate power­ful data plat­forms for ana­lyt­ical pur­poses in util­it­ies. This also requires reg­u­lar updates of the BI or ana­lyt­ics strategy. syn­vert saracus knows the mar­ket, observes trends and has the exper­i­ence to develop strategies for a data ware­house, a data lake or an AI fact­ory – on premises or focused on a cloud platform. 

Data Gov­ernance

Net­work oper­at­ors in par­tic­u­lar have a cent­ral respons­ib­il­ity in secur­ing and oper­at­ing sys­tem-rel­ev­ant infra­struc­tures. Since the con­trol of net­works is increas­ingly data-driven, secur­ity and pro­tec­tion via data gov­ernance pro­ced­ures must also be strengthened here, as with cus­tomer data or power plant data. syn­vert saracus has developed its own data gov­ernance frame­work, which is used, for example, by oper­at­ors of trans­mis­sion and dis­tri­bu­tion networks. 

BI and Ana­lyt­ics in Prac­tice.

syn­vert saracus accom­pan­ies all phases from con­cep­tion and devel­op­ment to imple­ment­a­tion and oper­a­tion. This can be the devel­op­ment of an iden­ti­fic­a­tion sys­tem for mon­it­or­ing plant data (fuel input, energy pro­duc­tion, losses, emis­sions), the devel­op­ment of an ana­lyt­ics applic­a­tion for pre­dict­ing dam­age, a mar­ket­ing sys­tem for con­trolling cam­paigns or, on the IT tech­nical level, the migra­tion of a clas­sic data ware­house to the cloud. syn­vert saracus can com­bine BI and ana­lyt­ics know-how with industry exper­i­ence in a unique way.

Our cus­tom­ers

Our cus­tom­ers in

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