Cus­tom­ized solu­tions for our customers

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syn­vert saracus products

syn­vert saracus has estab­lished itself in the IT Data & Ana­lyt­ics sec­tor by focus­ing on the devel­op­ment of its own products. Our team of experts uses the latest tech­no­lo­gies to cre­ate cus­tom­ized solu­tions for our cus­tom­ers’ needs. The products are char­ac­ter­ized by care­ful plan­ning and cre­at­ive think­ing. syn­vert saracus stands for con­tinu­ous innov­a­tion and devel­ops solu­tions that help cus­tom­ers achieve their goals.


DWauto­matic is a power­ful, metadata-driven tool for seam­lessly integ­rat­ing new source sys­tems into your data ware­house. The tool includes fea­tures such as delta detec­tion,...

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DWin­sur­ance is an exten­sion of DWtec®. It has now been expan­ded to include industry-spe­cific data mod­els, ini­tially for the insur­ance industry, fol­lowed by man­u­fac­tur­i...

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DWtec® provides a com­plete set of pro­cesses, tem­plates, best prac­tices and examples for data ware­house and BI pro­jects, cov­er­ing the entire devel­op­ment cycle from ini­tia...

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DWX2R is a power­ful and ver­sat­ile tool designed to handle com­plex XSD/XML data struc­tures. It is a gen­eric XSD/XML parser that gen­er­ates a hier­arch­ical data­base schema f...

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Snow­flake Accelerator

The Snow­flake Accel­er­ator is a power­ful tool that lever­ages Infra­struc­ture as Code (IaC) to rap­idly deploy enter­prise-class Snow­flake envir­on­ments: This tool enables or...

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Visu­al­iz­a­tion of a metadata map with the syn­vert saracus Visual Metadata Layer (SVML) ...

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